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Thread: An all nighter

  1. #1

    Default An all nighter

    Hi Anybody ever do an all nighter with an escort just wanted to Know how popular it is and did you go out or rut like a couple of animals all night ? and average cost?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008


    If you can keep going all not like the duracell bunny fair play to you
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Blog Entries


    I once had a client who came 9 times in 4 hours!!!! He was aiming for 12 and I think he would have been able to, have not paced him out, not only he was red raw, but so was I.... it was fun in a way, but it made me think afterwards, that I need to raise my 4 hr rate..... lol,
    if it had not been for the last day of my tour at the time, I would have been screwed the next day I was so sore, not beeing able to work...
    Dublin tbc , Belfast tbc, Cork tbc

  4. #4

    Default Grease her up !

    Quote Originally Posted by KellyCurvybabe View Post
    It's much easier for us females we self lubercate
    as if your male you could start getting friction burns on your cock from the condoms
    Yaaarrrr , No Sea-Shanty but a little ditty about a Fine Wench
    down at the Capn`s local, the "Harbour Tavern"

    " Some girls they use Vaseline,
    others may use Lard."
    " But Dinah uses Axle Grease
    because her C***`s so hard."

    "Oh Dinah, Dinah, show us yer leg,
    show us yer leg, show us yer leg,
    Dinah,Dinah show us yer leg
    A yard above yer knee !

    Sorry, the Capn`s on the Rum again ,

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Kat View Post
    I once had a client who came 9 times in 4 hours!!!! He was aiming for 12 and I think he would have been able to, have not paced him out, not only he was red raw, but so was I.... it was fun in a way, but it made me think afterwards, that I need to raise my 4 hr rate..... lol,
    if it had not been for the last day of my tour at the time, I would have been screwed the next day I was so sore, not beeing able to work...
    With a dish like you Kat, I'm surprised he didn't come 9 times within the hour. I would of.
    Once a prick - always a prick.

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