Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
In business here it really doesn't matter how good you are scratch backs kiss ass never rock the boat & be half truthful you'll get on the nod & wink attitude to some drink drivers tax evaders law breakers is despicable I have much experience of all these situations

People trying to outdo outsmart each other bettering each other with a bigger house/car same fuckin eejits are now heavily in debt makes no sense
People here I know them, who have made their money dishonestly & walk around in suits head held high as if they were the bees knees
Dirty filthy arrogant priests mounting young boys & girls as if it were their God given right to do that ruining their lives at the same time that same arrogance prevails power driven cunts

The blame game shit that prevails i.e Govt blames banks developers & vice versa cowardly cunts
The I couldn't give a Fuck attitude of young people who see 200 a week for doing nothing as their right +110 pw rent allowance go away & get a job u lazy cunts

*Paragraph removed by Patricia as included comments which could be construed as racist.*

to be continued..

getting the hot water bottle
E.P. Your water bottle is always have empty,i like to think of mine as always half full.