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Thread: What does it mean when you say someone is a man or a woman?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by 176x View Post
    What if you were born with a penis and now have titties
    Man boobs just means that you are old and fat like the rest of us mate lol 😁

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  3. Default

    “In the old days gender fluid was something you shot out of your knob at the end” ..

    ~ Quote ~

    I do what I want. I cannot do otherwise.

  4. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Stephanie For This Useful Post:

    Barney Rubble (23-11-22), Corsasport (22-11-22), EscortInspector (21-11-22), Escort AdvertiserJennyIrish (22-11-22), rockonallnite (21-11-22), WellDressed (21-11-22)

  5. #23
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    Feb 2022


    If someone says they’re a man or they say they’re a woman I take their word for it…. What I don’t understand is someone referring to themselves as they/them!!! Surely your one or the other!!!!

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to charlie82 For This Useful Post:

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  7. #24
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    I played it the other day, they were waaaay ahead of everyone back in 1978


    " I always leave them better than I found them"...

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to rockonallnite For This Useful Post:

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  9. #25
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    Feb 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by ladiesman217 View Post
    Women are female, men are male. It's not for us to define reality, simply interpret it. Let us remember one simple thing that the vast majority of people willingly are ignorant towards: we are ANIMALS. Specifically, we are animals belonging to the Phylum known as 'Chordata', of which comprises 5 classes: mammals (us), amphibians, fish, reptiles and birds. We interpret sex (or gender) on the basis of sexual reproduction, i.e. male gametes (sperm) and female gametes (eggs).

    We forget, in our arrogance, that life is not supposed to be easy. There is no such thing as 'normal' in nature. Because there are ALWAYS exceptions. Instead, what exists is a series of standards. For instance, the typical human body without the differences between genders; skull, 2 eyes, nose with 2 nostrils, mouth, teeth, 2 ears, 2 shoulders, 2 arms, 2 hands with 8 fingers and 2 thumbs, etc etc etc. So why doesn't normal exist? Well if something is not 'normal', it's abnormal. If someone is born with a third nipple for example, are they abnormal? No, of course not. The problem with 'normal' is that it is completely black and white, no room for errors. 99% of births all fall to the typical standard (and that includes the differences in sex/gender). But as I said earlier, there are always exceptions. People born without limbs for example. Born with severe allergies such as being allergic to water or sunlight. And in the case of sex/gender, being born intersex; which can exist is many different ways. With standards, there are always deviations. With life, there are always exceptions.

    Gender identity has become what I can only describe as a dangerous cult, targeting both women and children all the way from Australia, to here, to the USA, and back again. Now, like I said, life is not fair; reality is not fair. It is what it is and we can either bend to its will, or live a lie. I say gender identity has become a cult, but from what I have seen it is a cult that has been created and is driven by a vast MINORITY of the LGBTQ+ community. I have seen so many videos and comments from Transwomen and Transmen who denounce these cultists who claims "transwomen are women" or "transmen are men".

    Let me ask you this... what does it feel like to be a man/woman? Because I couldn't even imagine to begin to explain what it feels like to be a man! How do you know what it feels like to be happy? Because you know what it's like to be sad or angry, right? How do you know you're feeling sick? Cos you know when you're feeling well! How can know what it 'feels' like to be a man/woman when it is all you have ever known or will ever know? Being a man or a woman isn't a feeling; it is an experience, which cannot be emulated. This idea of there being a 'gender identity' is absolutely ludicrous.

    I have genuine sympathy with people who suffer from the psychological disorder (and that is exactly what it is) that we know as 'Gender Dysphoria'. I've made it no secret here that I too have had afflictions of the mind, and in my experience of what I had and have seen in many other mental disorders such as gender dysphoria, they all have one thing in common: our brains lie to us. I am without question my own worst enemy. Our brains are immensely powerful things, something I think most people are blissfully ignorant towards. I can only describe it as though it were as someone else were at the helm of the controls, and you the passenger along for the ride. People with gender dysphoria need psychological support. Enabling this idea that you can be the opposite gender is far more dangerous and painful even for those with gender dysphoria, especially when they go through irreversible physical and chemical changes! Like I said earlier, reality is what it is. Tying it into what I just said, life is very much a ride that don't have much control over, we're simply along for the ride. A bitter truth, is always better than the sweetest lie.

    I've done a lot of digging into all this in recent years. Especially since more and more 'transwomen' have been competing in women's sports (as well as a few cases of women being impregnated in women's prisons, there has been a few cases from good old USA), and since children are being essentially being more and more preyed upon by these cultists. You remember when you were a kid, right? I remember when I was somewhere between 20-30 years ago. My mind changed about things all the time! One minute I wanted to be a fireman, the next minute a dinosaur! And these extremist minorities of the LGBTQ+ are claiming kids as young as 2 YEARS OLD can be trans????? I don't have kids, I don't ever want kids!! But this is child abuse!! What makes a kid trans???? Because a boy likes to dance and the colour pink???? That makes him a girl??? Or a girl likes trucks and cars and fighting, that makes her a boy???? It's insane!!

    What defines a woman? What defines a man? If you want long hair, like painting your finger nails and wearing dresses; that does NOT make you a woman! What we are talking about here isn't being a man or woman, but simply being more masculine and feminine! These extremists are OBSESSED with gender stereotype; it is essentially the entire basis of their agenda! A masculine women is and will always be a woman (i.e. female). Similarly, a feminine man is all will always be a man (i.e. male). You want to know what a man and women is? Words. That's all. They're just words to define a male/female human respectively. The same as it is for bull and cow; lion and lioness; tod and vixen; stag and doe; etc etc etc.

    Some animals (among chordates) do have the natural ability to change sex, given certain environmental conditions. This includes mostly amphibians and fish, reptiles, some species of birds... but this has not ever been observed in mammals.

    Most trans people are what I am going to call 'genuine'. They have no interest in trying to redefine the world! All they want is to live their lives in peace and make themselves that little bit happier. And I have absolutely no problem with that whatsoever!

    My problem, is with this tiny minority of the LGBTQ+ community whom do not represent most trans people, and who actively go silencing those that dare defy their narrative because they cannot defeat them in a logical argument, as well as claiming 'transwomen' and 'women' are one in the same, and then of course their predatory actions towards converting children; many of whom are actually the child's parents, who should be absolutely charged with child abuse. My problem also lies with the unseen instigators who live in the shadows, profiting off of that which plagues vulnerable people. The companies involved in the production of these synthetic hormones, the doctors and surgeons involved in peoples' transitioning, etc.

    I watched a good few videos of people who have 'de-transitioned'. And their stories are truly heart breaking. They were given all the support in the world while transitioning. But after all of what was over and they required further support, they were completely ignored.

    You know, one of the largest issues in society today is an obsession with labels. What do I mean by labels? Man, woman, gay, white, black, etc etc etc. Let's talk about LGBTQ+ pride for a moment. To me from an entirely logical point of view, it doesn't make sense. What does pride have to do with being part of a collective? Pride comes, surely, from what defines YOU as YOU. From what makes you different. Courage, dignity, integrity, compassion, respect, etc. Surely these are example of why you should be proud of yourself? Because they are part of what defines your soul, or your spirit, or whatever you want to call this temporary life force we are granted that gives us consciousness. I'm a man, I'm straight and I'm white. None of them define me, not even close. What does that tell you about me? Nothing at all. A black lesbian woman for example. Doesn't tell me anything about her whatsoever! She could be the worst kind of human for all I know! Now with that being said, it's all fine for me to talking about this as I've never been the target of ridicule or anything for my skin colour or sexual orientation; so please forgive me if I seem somewhat insensitive.

    It seems to me that the world, and by the world I suppose I mean society, is intent on all running towards a cliff and jumping off it. Well, forgive me for turning in the opposite direction.

    In summary:

    - Anyone with gender dysphoria needs psychological support. For instance, you don't help a drug addict by giving them more drugs, do you? Now I'm not equating them by any means, but they are similar as they are all part of the family of your brain lying to you.
    - Human rights is all about equality, as such the rights of one cannot and should not supercede the rights of another (by this, I mean transwomen competing in women's athletic sports, and so on).
    - Life is what it is, not what we want it to be. So either accept it, or live a lie.
    - Gender stereotypes does not have any role in defining what women and men are; male and female does. Now that's not so straight forward for someone born intersex, but that is on a case by case basis.
    - The antagonists of this whole scenario are the MINORITY extremists of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as anyone who seeks to profit from preying on the vulnerable.
    - The vast majority of trans people don't wish to change the world, simply make their lives that little bit happier and in peace.

    Quotes paraphrased:
    “When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
    — C. S. Lewis

    “Truth is not what you want it to be; it is what it is, and you must bend to its power or live a lie.”
    — Miyamoto Musashi
    I’m confused. Are you saying that’s there’s no such thing as gender (there is only sex)?

  10. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2016


    Nope. Never mind. I am going to remain untriggered zzzzen.

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to IrishSarahBarra For This Useful Post:

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  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishSarahBarra View Post
    I’m confused. Are you saying that’s there’s no such thing as gender (there is only sex)?
    Did you actually read all that ISB ? Larry might be a sound man ( can I say that) of sound mind but I haven't got 20 minutes to spare to read very long posts .

    No doubt there's gonna be a backlash and I'll be called a cnut.

    Oh and great to see you posting, however rare that may be these days.
    Are we there yet ?

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Barney Rubble For This Useful Post:

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  14. #28
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    Jun 2021


    Oh, hey, guys.

    Do you think there might be a reason that some escorts are disgusted by this place?

  15. The Following User Says Thank You to UnFulfilledScott For This Useful Post:

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  16. #29
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    I know, right, biggest load of bx I’ve read in a long time, idk how anyone understood it enough to give it 4 thanks. LDM, “I can’t begin to imagine how to describe what it’s like to hang a door but also I how to hang a door because I know what it like not to have a door, but also you can’t know what it’s like to hang a door unless you’ve hung a door.” Wtf. Some deep dive you’ve done
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  17. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to IrishSarahBarra For This Useful Post:

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  18. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie View Post

    “In the old days gender fluid was something you shot out of your knob at the end” ..

    ~ Quote ~

    That made me laugh 😂 😂

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