Pb did not send me or ask me to do anything. I have not spoke to him about this since you posted.

I posted here of my own free will as I do with every post.

Now you specifically mentioned mods resigning all of them when you demodded pb then you said there was no threat and there never was. Now I have read where you said the exact opposite of that and actually named 3 of the mods you would resign.

Should I just forget I have seen this because it is inconvenient for you to be caught out in a lie.

And Im the bitch because I have the cheek to point out your lie.

Quote Originally Posted by Patricia View Post
Private messages are private Stewie. That's why they are not allowed be posted here. Why is it that you are reading private messages that I obviously sent to someone else, because we've established have we not that I didn't send any private messages to you on this matter?

The only thing I can think is that you are talking about private messages I sent to PB, and not recently, but weeks / months before he was de-modded?

I know why PB was de-modded and it was to do with his own conduct. I also know I didn't speak to one single mod about PB in the week or two before I de-modded PB so I'm quite sure I didn't do that as a direct result of any mod saying anything about the issue to me.

If you are talking about weeks / months before I de-modded PB, yes, there were a LOT of problems between PB and other mods, and yes at times I did feel it was getting to the point where if PB didn't stop doing ABC then XYZ other mod(s) may have left, as XYZ mods were telling me they didn't know what to do about PB's crap, it was making them feel they couldn't go on. I have already admitted this have I not?

It's not the reason PB was de-modded, but it was one of several problems that occurred in the last few months before PB was de-modded, call it a contributing factor to his being de-modded if you like, the fact he just couldn't help causing problems for other mods for his own amusement, not the main reason he was de-modded in the end, but yes it was a problem and yes other mods complained to me about it and yes I did fear other mods may quit over it.

I must have written to PB 20 times at least about such issues, not in the last few weeks, but in the last few months, very long private messages, explaining exactly how his conduct was causing problems for other mods.

I really tried to get PB to stop his troublemaking. I didn't want to de-mod PB. I wasted many an evening writing long letters to PB telling him how much I wanted him to stay on as a mod, but that his behaviour at times was making it impossible for the other mods to get on with their modding.

I did give PB examples of how his conduct was causing problems for other mods, specific examples naming other mods on several occassions, because I wanted to make him understand fully what he was doing wrong, so he could stop.

Is this what you are getting at? Somewhere in the mass of letters I wrote to PB over the last few months he was a mod, did I say somewhere that he was backing me into a corner where if he didn't stop his crap X Y Z mod was likely to quit. Perhaps I did. That was certainly how I felt many a late night sat writing to PB trying to make peace, when I'd really have loved to have just gone to bed instead.

And for all my efforts to make peace, for all my efforts to support PB as a mod despite all the hassle he caused me, the thanks I get from PB is that he's found somewhere in the mass of letters I sent him somewhere where I said something like that three other mods were on the verge of quitting over something he did, and he has sent you on here now, to see if you can cause some trouble with this info?

PB has abused this site in every way he can since being de-modded, and this is just bitchyness to the extreme. Are you sure you and him aren't girls, you sure sound like it? Just think what I could say about PB here, given all I know about him from having spent so long trying to work with him. But I'm not a low down skanky bitch like you two so I don't have to stoop to the level of passing around private communications and trying to use them against others. Sometimes when you trust another human being you get your trust abused. I wrote endless PMs to PB trying to get him to change his behaviour. The thanks I get for that is all my PMs gone over by a pair of bitches until eventually you think you have found a couple of sentances you can use to call me a liar, discredit mods or do whatever else you can to cause trouble.

If I said to PB at some point that I thought other mods were going to quit over his conduct, if I named those other mods, then I did. I'm not going back over all my sent messages to check. Not to mention I don't even store all my old messages like you two obviously do as I don't drag private conversations up with people in public months after they've happened. If I said anything like you are saying it was a good while before I de-modded PB wasn't it Stewie? It's not the real reason I de-modded PB was it Stewie? No it's just the best cheap shot way of attacking me you can think of. Sad, sad, sad. I went out on a limb for PB, I spent many hours privately writing to him to try to resolve all the issues there were and he's just paying me back like this. Bitches, that's all you two are.

Pat x