Quote Originally Posted by Jim Duggan View Post
OK I haven't been around here for a while. I'm coming back to Ireland this weekend to help a friend promote his new biz. The thing is his daughter has the hots for me bad. She's only recently turned 18 and finished school. She's always flirting with me when we're alone. I've never touched her nor have I ever made any advances on her. She's my buds daughter. I've known her since she was 9. I think this is fucked up. I find the situation really uncomfortable. She's been sending random nude pictures of herself to me since she was 16. It freaks me out all the time. I've never spoken to my wife or my friends about it. I can't. I just delete all the shit off my phone and email straight away.

The thing is she's very attractive. She's very very very attracrive. I'm 49 years old for fuck sake and I ain't no prize. My sons at a similar age. He's tried it with her and she shot his ass down. Poor boy took it hard. I had to console him at the time. Meanwhile she's sending me nudie pics of herself. Christ.

Guy's I need to hear some fucking addvice. What do I do?
that sounds a lot like a few films iv seen,you basically have two options here,
1=you fuck her senseless and risk loseing all your friends and family,because they will find out
2=tell her your not interested,your her fathers friend for fucks sake
number two to me is the only option really,this woyld cause to much trouble.if u really wanna shag an attractive 18 year old mate just open your wallet,i kno a web site that has a few on it.
once you fuck this girl a couple of times she will lose interest and leave you in a whole world of shit,while she will be the victim of a pervy old man.its defo a no go area mate.tink with the head on your shoulders and dont go shittin on your own doorstep