Melania Trump grips serviceman’s arm and NOT Donald’s at Arlington service as divorce suspicions swirl

MELANIA Trump was pictured holding onto a serviceman's arm and not her husband as they arrived at a Veteran's Day ceremony.

The picture was taken at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on Wednesday after reports claimed the First Lady is counting the minutes until she can divorce Donald.

The first lady was stood next to a serviceman who was holding an umbrella over her head due to a downpour.
Photographs emerged after the memorial showing Melania holding onto the man's arm, despite her husband being just a few feet away.
However, some onlookers have claimed Melania held onto the man to try and keep her balance while walking along the wet floor in a pair of heels.

Trump also had his own umbrella held over him by a serviceman.
Their appearance came just days after a former aide claimed that Melania is "counting every minute" until Donald leaves the White House and she can divorce him.

Melania, 50, is reported to regard their 15-year marriage as over and is waiting only for Joe Biden's inauguration in January before making it formal.
Fired White House aide and The Apprentice star Omarosa Manigault Newman is certain they will split, reports the Mail on Sunday.

She said: "Melania is counting every minute until he is out of office and she can divorce.
"If Melania were to try to pull the ultimate humiliation and leave while he's in office, he would find a way to punish her."
Newman - who made the claims in her tell-all book Unhinged - has previously said the Trumps have "a very strange marriage."
She told British daytime TV show Lorraine last month that Melania is "repulsed" by her husband. ( Arent we all )

She said: "I'm very cautious to comment on the dynamics of a marriage because you never know what goes on behind closed doors.
"But I have known this couple since they were dating, they got married a year after The Apprentice aired.
"What I have observed in the last 17 years would make your head spin. Sometimes they like each other but sometimes she is repulsed by him."

check the video & watch for the look Donny gives her at the end