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Thread: Royal news: Prince Charles caught up in shocking sex scandal

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    Default Royal news: Prince Charles caught up in shocking sex scandal

    Royal news: Prince Charles caught up in shocking sex scandal

    Recently unearthed FBI files have revealed Prince Charles’ closest confidant, Lord Mountbatten, was accused of having a “perversion for young boys” by a friend of the Queen Mother. Once described by Charles as “the grandfather I never had”, the last Viceroy of India was mentioned in a 1944 FBI interview with the Baroness Decies.

    It revealed she considered him and his wife, “persons of extremely low morals”, adding, “She stated that Lord Louis Mountbatten was known to be a homosexual with a perversion for young boys.”
    Another source said his preference for young men made him “an unfit man to direct any sort of military operations”.
    Mountbatten’s sexuality and many extramarital affairs was a frequent topic of society gossip before his death in 1979.
    In a letter to Charles, he wrote, “the man should sow his wild oats and have as many affairs as he can before settling down”.
    The revelation comes as a string of old royal family wounds have been reopened this week, throwing the notoriously uptight Charles into a spin.
    He’s reportedly less than thrilled that his feuds with his siblings, Prince Andrew, Princess Anne and Prince Edward are coming under new scrutiny, as the royal house reels over Andrew’s own sex scandal.

    Lord Louis Mountbatten and Prince Charles in 1970

    New Idea Royals podcast host Smita Mistry quizzed royal expert Angela Mollard over the recently re-emerging tensions between the siblings.
    ‘It’s almost like the Queen had two sets of children isn’t it?,’ she asked.

    ‘That’s right, she had Charles and Anne, then a decade later had Andrew and Edward, so it’s almost like two distinct families,’ Angela replied.

    She continued: “They’re very different, all four of them.

    ‘You’ve got Anne, who’s incredibly strong-willed and forthright. She gets on very well with Prince Philip, she’s his favourite.

    ‘Charles, who is a softer, gentler character who really did need better parenting, he needed closer parenting.’

    The royal foursome were last seen together in June at the Trooping the Colour.

    With new tensions building over old rifts, it remains to be seen when they’ll be seen together again.

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Guess it runs in the family


  3. #3
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    n a shocking sex scandal that has rocked the palace, the family of Prince Charles’ former valet George Smith is demanding a fresh investigation into claims that he was raped by a member of Prince Charles’ staff. The allegations are said to have shocked Charles' wife, Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.
    The claims come at an awkward time for Charles who is facing increasing scrutiny of his past - including claims he has at least one love child .

    According to the National Enquirer, George’s brother told the publication that Buckingham Palace “covered up” the incident "leading to an official declaration that there was insufficient evidence to prosecute.”
    The allegations have previously been denied by the palace.
    “George was portrayed as a liar and a raving alcoholic,” Bryan Smith told the publication.

    National Enquirer

    According to George’s account, the staff member invited him to his house for drinks and fell asleep and when he woke up he found that his pants were down and there was evidence of sexual activity.George also alleged that he’d seen Charles in bed with the man, before his marriage to Camilla.
    “I did say to him, maybe you got it mistaken with someone else, but he goes, ‘No, no, it was definitely him,’” Bryan told the publication.
    George later died under mysterious circumstances in 2005 and the palace and the man accused comprehensively denied his claims when they first surfaced.
    “George became ill because of the royals. He has psychological problems from the alleged rape,” Bryan added.

    Last edited by joggon; 22-11-19 at 14:49.
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    Age doesn't equal maturity - just look around !
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    It is now official. The Queen is now immortal. She will never die. She can't; if she does her offspring will cause a constitutional crisis that will bring down the monarchy and the entire UK with it!

  5. #5
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    Feb 2011


    Humour aside, these stories have been doing the rounds for a long time and the monarchy with weather these as they have weathered and outlasted all the others.
    Charles is now well past retiring age and is unlikely to be King for long and Prince William is very popular at the moment.
    Of course, when Elizabeth retires, abdicates or dies, it will be an opportunity for those who want an elected president to press their case.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by willie wacker View Post
    Guess it runs in the family
    Medical term for it is "Aristocracy"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by SteveB View Post
    Medical term for it is "Aristocracy"
    Or an other term


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