Quote Originally Posted by Night Rider View Post
Look at the advert in FEMALE ESCORTS.
A escort is offering 8 hours for 800 euro.
The times she wants is 12 midnight to 8 AM.
Now I think I have it right so far, but if any of the Apologists want to jump in against me, go ahead punks!
Now I send her a reply asking her if this is 8 hours constant sex, I done actually mean constant mind you, but 8 hours of activity with her, a few breaks included.
Is this a TREAT, 800 hours ? or is it a TRICK?

Its a TRICK, a trick around a long time. Originating from fuck knows when.
This is what happens- An idiot client goes to her with his 800 and hands it to her, before midnight (!), the action starts soon enough, she becomes a pricktease, shows some tit, gives him a kiss or two calling him DARRLINGG!!!, she puts on a real academy award winning performance for him here for a few minutes and it will be FEW!
Then when his cock becomes half mast she grabs it! he protests, but she spins him the YOU WILL LIKE DIS DARRLINGG!! She wanks him and in less than a minute or 2 he comes!

Then the change begins, the pricktease is suddently replaced by puritanical virginity- she puts on a big thick sleep dress, climes into bed and covers herself by 5 or 6 blankets, turns her back on him saying I AM TIRED DARRLINNG, LETS SLEEP!

And sleep she does! meanwhile mister 800 euroless, is lying there in a strange apartment, with her boyfriend sleeping in the outer room!
Come the dawn, IF he feels horney she tells him she must sleep, and he should sleep too!
Come 8 am on the nose the boyfriend comes knocking on the door, the message is simple- Fuck off now, and our client goes home.
He paid her 800 euro for sleeping!!!!
Its a trick, honed and well timed.

Another case of pure greed.
Any Apologists who feel the need to jump in yous can do now. Or if yous want to prove me wrong then break open your confirmation money and go pay her the 800e.

The Night Rider
Is this a true story???

Or is this what you think happens???

There's a lot of info here for a "what might happen" scenario........

Or is it the voice of a bad experience???