All my posts in this thread are mod related… including this one...

My first post was the use of humor to cajole both of you into not turning this thread into another topic without getting heavy about it as nbt by virtue of his saying that his 1000th post is his last cannot respond so I as mod am acting in his bests interests as I know he does not like his threads topic changed and this is his last thread so it must be infuriating to have it hijacked and not be able to post on it without nullifying his whole thread.

My second was to be a little firmer in my request and it was a “request” to you both.

Ex P has agreed but you have not which has forced me to post again and you are turning this thread into another issue unrelated to the original poster so I am now telling you to not hijack this thread on that matter also. If you do I will delete anything you post on this thread that is not to do with nbt’s farewell but is you being you which I like immensely but here is not the place West…

I am asking you to leave this thread to the topic originally posted on as nbt

If both of you start up again on this thread I will move all your posts out of here and delete mine.

As Ex P has agreed I will leave his but if you continue then I will delete yours West and am now not asking but telling you to not contine to hijack it by changing the topic from Ex P to me…

I will have no choice…