Quote Originally Posted by Last time View Post
Using the above mind set...if you tell her, all she will remember from now on when you are having sex...or an argument....or anytime good or bad, is that you slept with escorts. She will think...you pay girls for sex! She will not see that these girls are lovely, good looking and sweet. She will see them as abused, manipulated poor little girls that you have exploited.
As Silo said...guilt is in your consious mind....tell her and it will be in her subconcious mind. Meaning that you can get rid of you guilt by not letting the thought go any further and dismiss it but it will go into her memory bank for ever and even if you do not last she will have to tell someone of your secert who will tell someone else and so it will continue....
great answer

I've taken a day off work due to the stress of this situation