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Thread: Some of ye ... eh..

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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishSarahBarra View Post
    This bit of parting wisdom ...
    Is that because the leopard is on the circle line? Cos once I asked someone to wake me when we reached the end of the line and woke up the next day,,still going round and round and round

    plus its not just leopards, have you ever seen a tiger change its stripes? Or a farmer ever change his pants?

  2. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BarronVonMonsterRod For This Useful Post:

    IrishSarahBarra (06-04-17), Rachel Divine (06-04-17)

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    Quote Originally Posted by IrishSarahBarra View Post
    This bit of parting wisdom ...
    he's not wrong though...she WAS sweet rachel.

    the internet never forgets...good interview here as well! and nice pics....may be she is opening her own bar in Spain??
    Sam: Hi Rachel, how are you?

    Rachel: I'm good thanks.

    Sam: So, first of all, could you tell me why you got into the escort industry?

    Rachel: Yes, because it is easy money and you can make so much more than any other job. I can work when I want, I can choose my clients, I have my independence, live a high profile life, buy perfumes, expensive clothes, a new car, have savings and help my family out.

    Sam: Okay, that's fair enough. So when did you first start working as an escort?

    Rachel: I was between 18 and 19 when I started working in an escort club in Madrid.

    Sam: Ah, okay... how long did you work there?

    Rachel: About two or three years.

    Sam: Did you enjoy working there?

    Rachel: Yes, it was beautiful. Back then the economy was so much better and if it was the same now, I would go back there to work again. Everyone was happy; there was no bitchiness. Every girl got on with each other.

    Sam: Everyone got on?

    Rachel: Yes, there were about 80 girls working in the club and it was constantly, constantly busy, no time for arguing! While we were being paid, we would chat with clients, they would buy you drinks, we would have a cigarette. It wasn't just about having sex all the time, it was more than just sex. People wanted to have fun and chat too. It wasn't like sitting in an apartment all day alone like the law wants in Ireland. That's just boring and very tiring.

    Sam: I understand that you do feel very strongly about this 'brothel' law, that is regarding two girls sharing an apartment. Could you tell me a bit more about that?

    Rachel: Safety and time passes faster when there is human contact there with you. There is nobody there when something goes wrong, nobody to scream out for help to if you need it. I don't agree with three or more girls sharing an apartment, that's a proper brothel. We don't want typical brothels because of noise, the neighbours, people walking in and out all the time because there are many girls. We don't want typical brothels, so no more than two people sharing together.

    Sam: Let's move on to agencies. You have said before that you have worked for agencies in the past, is that right? What are your experiences of agencies?

    Rachel: Brilliant! I contacted a woman (I was in Madrid at the time) that ran an agency and asked her for work. We agreed the terms, I bought my own ticket to Dublin, she told me which town to go to, what bus to take and accommodation was provided at no cost. She paid for the profile and when a client was coming she gave me a call with ten minutes notice to get ready (even though I was ready anyway with my make up and wearing a dress). It was 50/50; I don't think that was too high. I didn't have to do anything if I felt pressured to do something I didn't want to do with the client. I worked 11am to 11pm and then the woman would switch off the work phone when work was over. If I wanted to work more (if I didn't feel tired) I would tell her to send more clients, but she would be very careful.

    One time it was late and I was alone, the woman called me and said two guys wanted to see me, but they were a little drunk. I said, "It's okay, I can deal with it", and she asked me if I was sure. Her boyfriend new the taxi driver and said that she could send someone to check on me; they were genuinely worried about me. This sounds funny, but I actually felt safe working with them. The guys arrived and I told them that one will have to wait outside, even if it is freezing! Hahaha! They were a little drunk but they were okay and the services were good. I like to work with this agency.

    Sam: So why did you leave?

    Rachel: I went back to Spain after three months and rented a bar for the Summer with the money I made in Ireland. I worked the bar and I loved it but I didn't have enough money to rent the bar for one year so I went back to Ireland to work. This time I worked with a different agency because I wanted to work the south of Ireland. I worked with them for two or three weeks. Everything was fine but I went independent because I got my own contacts for accommodation. My English was good by then and I had got used to the accents.

    Sam: So you were more confident at this point?

    Rachel: Yes, yes, with my English and my contacts. I would set up my own profile (it isn't difficult) and work independently without an agency. It was good and bad.

    Sam: You mean independent work?

    Rachel: Yes. I had to arrange my own travel, I had to look for accommodation, move from town to town depending what apartments were available . I was losing money and work when I was let down by those who rents apartments and it happened to me a few good times. It was good because I could work when I wanted and there was no program. With the agency I never had a bad client and as an independent, I never had a bad experience, so both are neutral. Actually, when a girl works for an agency (11am-11pm) she cannot be lazy because she will have the client at the door, so girls can make lots of money; many girls are willing to work more.

    Sam: So, as an agency escort, you were more 'motivated' to work?

    Rachel: Yes, you know that the client is on his way so you are motivated to get ready and work. If I felt sick I was allowed to call and take a day off. A girl I knew was sick and had a day off - fine, no problem. She didn't have to pay anything for that day. I was quite comfortable, I don't see the issue. There was no coercion or trafficking in my experience.

    Sam: Why do you think there is so much stigma with agencies in Ireland?

    Rachel: It's complicated.... Hmmm.... Probably because in the past few years girls worked for agencies and there was lots of work, and they listed everything in their services and wouldn't do some of them when the client turned up. Perhaps people got fed up of them advertising services they wouldn't provide. Also their English is usually poor. Clients like to have conversation. Agencies are also underground so people get the wrong idea about them and certain people will try to make the agencies look really bad. People look for more than just a shag, they are more open minded rather than open legs, come and fuck.

    Sam: Some very interesting points there. Let's talk about you and the media. You've done quite a bit now for the sex industry (television, news articles, etc.). How did you feel about putting yourself out there in the public eye?

    Rachel: Nervous! Hahaha! I had a strong willing to portray the sex industry how it is now to what it was like in the past.

    Sam: What made you so passionate as to do this?

    Rachel: I can't stand the lies and the bullshit. You can't say I am coerced when I am not. You can't say that the majority is coerced when this is not the truth. They needed to be asked where they get their answers from. Ruhama never knocked on my door and asked, "Hi Rachel, are you coerced?" All girls I have shared apartments with have never been coerced. I am not saying that it doesn't happen but I have never witnessed this.

    Sam: Will we see you in the media again anytime soon?

    Rachel: I hope so.

    Sam: Do you feel that you had plenty of support when being faced with the media?

    Rachel: Yeah, "You didn't dress appropriately!" Hahahahahaha!!! I did get a lot of support but I got a lot of criticism too. Some people twist my words, for example "I make €1,000 a day", I never said that.

    Sam: I remember not so long ago, to make a point of your independent status, you dropped your rates very low. How did that work out for you?

    Rachel: How can you prove you're independent? Having a husband, boyfriend, lovers... Are they pimps? What is a pimp? The guy that ties you up to a radiator so you can't leave or the person who sorts out your accommodation? Pimps come in many forms; boyfriend, lover, someone who demands your money. It's weird, there is no black or white. Are independents are expected to put up their own advert and answer their own phone? It's not black and white. People should focus on coercion, not boyfriends, friends, lovers. They should seek ways to help escorts. There is nothing wrong with choosing to work with agencies.

    I understand why people are angry because of women charging low rates but I don't think that they are coerced. This is up to the police to control, not us. At the end of the day a girl has to pay for accommodation or her agency or pimp, and people will take advantage but it isn't right to say that the girl is always forced to work. The government should control and decide who is who. People go on about how bad agencies are, but it's not the girl to blame, it's people around them. When a girl works and earns €60, pays €20 for accommodation, €20 for agency and keeps €20 for herself, that doesn't mean it is coercion; €20 is a lot of money in Romania (and in other poor countries) but this girl doesn't know any better. It should be controlled by the government instead.

    Sam: This has been a very interesting (and very different) interview. Thank you for your time, Rachel.

    Rachel: You're welcome.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to BarronVonMonsterRod For This Useful Post:

    Aftershot (06-04-17)

  5. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2017


    Fantastic interview. Really interesting.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Forceuser For This Useful Post:

    BarronVonMonsterRod (06-04-17), IrishSarahBarra (06-04-17)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Forceuser View Post
    Fantastic interview. Really interesting.
    yeah i thought so...shame i will never get to meet her

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