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Thread: Racist escort

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Half is a throw away remark here

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
    No I would not crib about it because the two thing are completely unrelated I might crib about a lazy bastard that would not do a days work in a fit but it would have nothing to do with where he or she was born.

    LOL At least try and keep in touch with reality on some level there 500 million people living in the EU bit of an exaggeration to suggest half of them are in Ireland.
    And hello that is the rules of the club we signed upto they are here because they are entitled to be here.

    BTW I hate to throw a spanner in the works of your so well worked out political theories but if we follow your logic then we could expect the Britain to send back all the Irish living there even on just irish born would be around a million people and if we go to those with irish citizenship thats about 2 million so I can't see any huge savings in following your policy of send them home we would be worse off. LMAO
    so try wholebrain functioning.

    As far as the Irish in UK goes,lots of Irish fought against the Germans in WW2.I have quite a few great grand uncles or whatever that died fighting for the British so damn right they give us something like jobs.We helped rebuild the very place and we helped protect too.

    In that era there was a post war boom in building,money was actually visible and there was no money crisis as there is now.

    Now tell me what did Poland do for us?As a way of gratutude to them for ??????????????They did nothing.Sorry actually they did do one thing.They took there own ppl and shot them in concentration camps for the Nazis.

    So thanks for throwing the spanner in my works.Since when did economics become so gloriously scientific anyway?

    Tell you one thing,the goverment need to focus on creating what brings tax into their budget,jobs.The so called Celtic Tiger happened because of two reasons.Taxation rates came down leading to more disposable income ,leading to more spending and secondly we had the lowest corporations tax in the EU.The gov have to make it affordable for buisness again here and maybe next time they might make a half assed attempt to preserve domestic industries like farming and tourism.

    Where is Eddie Hobbs with his ideas now????????


  2. #62
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    Default By the way

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewie View Post
    No I would not crib about it because the two thing are completely unrelated I might crib about a lazy bastard that would not do a days work in a fit but it would have nothing to do with where he or she was born.

    LOL At least try and keep in touch with reality on some level there 500 million people living in the EU bit of an exaggeration to suggest half of them are in Ireland.
    And hello that is the rules of the club we signed upto they are here because they are entitled to be here.

    BTW I hate to throw a spanner in the works of your so well worked out political theories but if we follow your logic then we could expect the Britain to send back all the Irish living there even on just irish born would be around a million people and if we go to those with irish citizenship thats about 2 million so I can't see any huge savings in following your policy of send them home we would be worse off. LMAO
    since Eastern Europe comes here and works for half Irish wages ,wouldnt half the unemployment benefits suit them too?


  3. #63
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    Mar 2009

    Default Here is my prob with the EU

    Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
    Though we should bear in mind the differences in wage rates over in east european countries compared to here average 60p.w, therefore Ireland is seen as very attractive & is being exploited for this reason I have seen numerous cases & read about it in papers e.g foreign workers signing on here for the dole getting Ryanair flights to work in England back & forward, two foreign guys I worked with 2yrs ago havent worked since they say there is 'no need' as this is such a 'generous' country this is widespread, annoying when u pay taxes...
    We are all so different.There is very little standardisation of anything.How they possibly expect it to work?They should have standardised wages to some degree and money value too.

    Its goofy from Irelands viewpoint.We dont need the EU.All we have acheived by joining is gave oyr control of interest rates away (something we could do with badly right now) and received mass immigration of unskilled low payed workers.We are realiant in the US.Isnt it very strange how we are going through our worst recession while they are going through theirs?The US multinationals moving their buisness out of Ireland are doing it because they are doing very poorly back in the US.

    I do think Obama will turn things around but it will take time,hopefully sooner than later.In the meantime the Irish gov need to stop acting like amatuers and start focusing on solutions.This is very managable and we will come out of it but will we come out of it with lessons learned or will we just go back to the way we were and end up in the same position in another ten years from now?This is my biggest personal fear.That nothing will be learned from this and the banks and world monetary funds will hit a wall again but worse than this.

    Focus on creating new jobs.Strengthen our home industries like farming and tourism,start focusing on renewable energy soucrces,start putting a top notch rail system in place (something the british put down and these idiots took up) and affordbale and realiable public transport in our cities,bring down the cost of running buisness in Ireland and control (not stop) but control immigration.

    Hardly rocket science,

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    so try wholebrain functioning.

    As far as the Irish in UK goes,lots of Irish fought against the Germans in WW2.I have quite a few great grand uncles or whatever that died fighting for the British so damn right they give us something like jobs.We helped rebuild the very place and we helped protect too.

    In that era there was a post war boom in building,money was actually visible and there was no money crisis as there is now.

    Now tell me what did Poland do for us?As a way of gratutude to them for ??????????????They did nothing.Sorry actually they did do one thing.They took there own ppl and shot them in concentration camps for the Nazis.

    Westie do you seriously believe that the Irish went to England with the belief that they owed us jobs for fighting in WW2????

    We weren't invited there....... Nobody said come on over because me owe you one.....

    We went there, and all over the world because we had to, or wanted to......

    What did we do for America that made so many go over there????

    As for the red text above, I was going to put down something, but a remark like that doesn't deserve a comment, I wouldn't dignify it..

    Passionate or not, from anybody, that comment is idiotic and offensive

    Grow up and when you do let everybody you can be welcomed to the real world.....
    "It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them."

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    Now tell me what did Poland do for us?As a way of gratutude to them for ??????????????They did nothing.Sorry actually they did do one thing.They took there own ppl and shot them in concentration camps for the Nazis.
    Why would Poland owe Ireland over WW2? I'm lost?

    BTW: In WW2, Poland was the 4th largest contributor to the Allied Forces.

    Pat x

    I have to defend the Poles as 5 of my staff on the E-I advertising team are Polish!

  6. #66
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    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    since Eastern Europe comes here and works for half Irish wages ,wouldnt half the unemployment benefits suit them too?


    I work with people from all over the world and they get paid the same rate as Irish people.

    Besides if employers take advantage of foreign nationals that is the fault of employers not the person being exploited

  7. #67
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    [QUOTE=luther;77441]I'm actually surprised this issue has taken this long to raise it's ugly little head here.....

    Ah sure what would the world be like without Thomas O' Singho?

    IMO this country has never been as racially tolerant as it would like to believe, and I believe in the "current economic climate" many will show their true colours.......

    I dont think any country is racially tolerant when it comes to the current economical climate.

    This whole situation is breeding racism, and people are lashing out in a way that they wouldn't normally.........

    People ra epissed off with being treated differently to them IN OUR OWN COUNTRY.We cant even say something without being referred to as a racist.To those groups who go around playing the racist card with regards to Irish concern over our own economy ,i sincerely and most respectfully say go and f yourselves.If you want me to lick your arses try and different flavoured lotion rub.

    Actually, maybe racism is a little strong to describe what's going on, but sadly it looks a bit like that...

    It doesnt look like racism.We have a goverment that wont say how much we have or what they are doing all the while our finances are being further lowered because of the lack of immagration control here.My answer is simple.dont have a job after three months then day ,day.go back home and sign on in your own country but feel free to come back to workj here,for the smae or similar to what Irish work for.And to those who say but my gf or bf or whoever it is will have to leave and we cany be together ,go with them.

    To be honest I think this country has become a nation of lazy, spoilt, snobby, greedy whingers.....

    I agree with this in a long way but i would not criticse any Irish person for being unhappy with immigrants signing on while they struggle and even those who work foreigh or Irish having to pay for them.

    Don't get me wrong, I love my country, but the "Celtic tiger" changed a generation....


    People are upset, some have lost jobs, seen their wages drop and mostly through no fault of their own, and want something or somebody to blame. That's understandable! It's human nature.......

    Look we have a recession,a budget deficit that will carry over for the next three to four budgets.Im sorry but when the gov say that it will be hard and that we all must suffer thats just not fing good enough when we have foreigners signung on because they get more that way then if they worked at home.Im not even going into medical crads.I dont think my heart would hold out.Im not blaming anyone,its pretty pointless buit like anything else the future is in our hands and we can do good or make a daddy bags of it and we simply cannot afford to keep going like this.something has to go and the easiest is the mass immigrants.

    But the fact is, many of the lower paid jobs in this country were, and still are being filled by non nationals, and the truth of the matter is, over the last number of years, the jobs that many here would not do because they felt those jobs below them, they would now take your arm off for, but are already filled by non nationals....

    Actually some of the medium paid jobs were made low paid be the non nationals.this is a fact as can be seen in construction.

    Non nationals came here to fill an employment gap created in this country and now that it's dried up many want them to go, or be sent home again......Regardless of what many may want, or think should happen, this will not happen......

    In the current economic crisis anythign could happen.Inl;ikely but possible still.

    But people do need to remember this, we Irish have spread ourselves all over the world, we're famous for if, we went where we could, when we needed to, and made the best of it, I'm sure we weren’t always welcomed with open arms, but many persevered and carved out a life for themselves where they could..... As romantic as it may sound, don't tell me all who left these shores didn't do so for very similar reasons that people come here for....

    We either earned it or were forced.America?Well everyone went to America so thats pretty much that.UK ,we earned it.We volunteered and fought in WW2.Lots of Irsih fought and died.We earned our right to work in the UK.Austrailia was pretty much a forced issu at the times of colonial powers and the British Empire.Also we did not go and work for f'all.We worked and if there wasnt any work we came back home.


  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    so try wholebrain functioning.

    As far as the Irish in UK goes,lots of Irish fought against the Germans in WW2.I have quite a few great grand uncles or whatever that died fighting for the British so damn right they give us something like jobs.We helped rebuild the very place and we helped protect too.

    In that era there was a post war boom in building,money was actually visible and there was no money crisis as there is now.

    Now tell me what did Poland do for us?As a way of gratutude to them for ??????????????They did nothing.Sorry actually they did do one thing.They took there own ppl and shot them in concentration camps for the Nazis.

    So thanks for throwing the spanner in my works.Since when did economics become so gloriously scientific anyway?

    Tell you one thing,the goverment need to focus on creating what brings tax into their budget,jobs.The so called Celtic Tiger happened because of two reasons.Taxation rates came down leading to more disposable income ,leading to more spending and secondly we had the lowest corporations tax in the EU.The gov have to make it affordable for buisness again here and maybe next time they might make a half assed attempt to preserve domestic industries like farming and tourism.

    Where is Eddie Hobbs with his ideas now????????


    Honestly you want to try a bit of half brain functioning because it could only be a massive improvement on what you have achieved so far today.

    Lets get this logic straight because some irish people fought in the British army nearly 70 years ago they somehow owe Irish people jobs, health care, unemployment benefit etc.

    And polish people did not join the irish army decades ago to fight in a war we weren't involved in so we owe them nothing.

    I see so it all comes down to world war 2

    Well now that you have explained it I'm even more amazed at how out of touch with reality you really are.

    Just think on this the boom would have collapsed long before it did if the various immigrants from around the world had not come here to fill the jobs that Irish people could not fill. They worked here they paid their way and they are as entitled to any benefits that derive from that as you or I.

  9. #69
    Join Date
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    Default That is history

    Quote Originally Posted by luther View Post
    Westie do you seriously believe that the Irish went to England with the belief that they owed us jobs for fighting in WW2????

    We weren't invited there....... Nobody said come on over because me owe you one.....

    We went there, and all over the world because we had to, or wanted to......

    What did we do for America that made so many go over there????

    As for the red text above, I was going to put down something, but a remark like that doesn't deserve a comment, I wouldn't dignify it..

    Passionate or not, from anybody, that comment is idiotic and offensive

    Grow up and when you do let everybody you can be welcomed to the real world.....
    its a fact whether you like it or not.They did nothing for anyone not even themselves.As far as growing up goes.

    What im saying is that we went and helped build the UK again just like we went and fought against their enemies.

    America.everyone brings that up.Name one nation.One that doesnt exist in America?
    The Red Indians are the true Americans.The rest are made up of all differing nationalities and yes that includes Irish.

    As for my red text,go and tell me that they didnt?They did.they took their own ppl,their very own flesh and blood and caged them,shot them.This is not me speaking but the history books.So i guess history is idiotic and offensive.

    Growing up means having a mind of your own and the abilty to speak it so thanks for the encouragement.It also means being able to comment on fact ,in this case history and also avoidance of little faces on the screen.


  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tommy Singh View Post
    We are all so different.There is very little standardisation of anything.How they possibly expect it to work?They should have standardised wages to some degree and money value too.

    Its goofy from Irelands viewpoint.We dont need the EU.All we have acheived by joining is gave oyr control of interest rates away (something we could do with badly right now) and received mass immigration of unskilled low payed workers.We are realiant in the US.Isnt it very strange how we are going through our worst recession while they are going through theirs?The US multinationals moving their buisness out of Ireland are doing it because they are doing very poorly back in the US.

    I do think Obama will turn things around but it will take time,hopefully sooner than later.In the meantime the Irish gov need to stop acting like amatuers and start focusing on solutions.This is very managable and we will come out of it but will we come out of it with lessons learned or will we just go back to the way we were and end up in the same position in another ten years from now?This is my biggest personal fear.That nothing will be learned from this and the banks and world monetary funds will hit a wall again but worse than this.

    Focus on creating new jobs.Strengthen our home industries like farming and tourism,start focusing on renewable energy soucrces,start putting a top notch rail system in place (something the british put down and these idiots took up) and affordbale and realiable public transport in our cities,bring down the cost of running buisness in Ireland and control (not stop) but control immigration.

    Hardly rocket science,

    Honestly it is truly amazing how deluded you are.

    The reason US companies come here is because we are in the EU it's not because of a fondness for paddies its because we have give them access to a market of 500 million people we speak english and we have a low corporation tax and upto recently we were fairly low cost economy.

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