Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
Aodhαn Σ Rνordαin is one of the members of The Fake Socialist Party highly likely to lose his seat at the next election! He is an avid follower of The Sex Worker Hating Model! Ironically in his short Dαil career, he will have caused a lot of damage! Also Ironically he is a gay man and yet he wants consenting adults engaging with each other in private to be criminalised for the first time since gay men were and disgracefully so over 20 years ago!
Further Ironically Homosexual acts between men were declared lawful by The European Court on the grounds of the right to privacy, which of course the upcoming Bill, he supports so much will also fall under eventually!!
BTW the issue I have with decriminalizing hard drugs is that more working class people in particular will be caught under the spell of addiction!
There's also talk of opening Shooting Galleries so smack addicts can safely shot up, I would want to see the real world evidence before I would support that not the musings of libertard gobshites!
Quote Originally Posted by The Libertarian View Post
This cannot possibly stop dealing! I support decriminalizing soft drugs, but decriminalizing harder drugs, means more people will be ensnared in addiction and more lives will be destroyed!
I can understand why a Libertard politician maybe trying to establish his Liberal Cred by supporting it - because he is a Libertard!

Where's the real world evidence of that or do you only need evidence for causes you don't deem worthy?

This thread is a really bad idea, playing drug addiction against prostitution in and effort to show how one is more deserving of social sympathies ... the mind absolutely boggles.