Quote Originally Posted by Curvaceous Kate View Post
I believe there is some kind of magnetism across the Liffey bridge that repels certain types and attracts others. You have to have 'anti magnet' boots on in order to get across without

facing complete destruction or at best becoming a gibbering wreck!
Crossing the Liffey is dangerous............and tooo far to Sanitary for me.........also that IFSC place worries me........Irish Fuckin Sex Centre.....is what I am tould it meanz..

Mind you Cell Bridge is ok if you are into Bondage, ..and then theres Mr Smith's Field where you can do it in the open............an I wouldnt go near the airport either.........a plain might over shoot the runaway

only Dublin 2 4 6 6w 6 10 12 14 16 18, 20 or ,is it step a side.................Balllls Bridge is more than ok.