Whilst i bow to the superior knowledge and experience of many others on the site ,my opinion on your predicament is as follows :
On the basis that you wish to continue escorting (not withstanding Gemma's eloquent and fascinating insight into the travails of the job),then the possiblity of escorts 'ratting' on each other is always a hazard of the job (irrespective of whether this was the case in ye're situation).
Pratically,this means that escorts should keep their enemies on a public forum to a bare minimum - after all,there are plenty of escorts online who are plying their trade discreetly and are hugely successful without drawing unwanted attention/anger from others e.g. kat,sonia barcelona,rachel and countless others who provide tremendous service and are in constant high demand.There are lessons to be learned from the unfortunate last 24 hours and continuously bitching against liz does your profile no good.Ye have overwhelmingly phenomenal reviews and have a huge future on this site provide ye wise up.
(a) Take a a few weeks off and create new identities with new phone numbers and photos on the e-i site.
(b) Restart yere careers back in Dublin where there are plenty of girls of similar physical attributes to blend in with(to maintain anonymity from liz) hard one for me to take as a corkman...
(c) Omit the 'duo' facility in yer e-i profile - only offer the lebian service to customers that ye have previously met and trust (again to camouflage yerselves fom her)
(d) if working out of hotels,book two seperate,single rooms that are side-by-side - this prevents the existence of a brothel whist still facilitating the option of a lesbian show
(e) Retain a list of trusted e-i customers and pm them when you hit their area to let them
know of yer presence - no doubt all your previous clients would be delighted to hear from ye
(f) stay off the chatrooms and message boards - they are rapidly descending into the gutter with the contributions of some people ,which ineviatbly ,escalate into the destructive behaviour of the last few days.