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Thread: Escort World - The truth, my opinion and suicide

  1. Default BTW Gemma

    I read in your post that you are cutting communication with everyone on the Escort scene.
    Does this include clients you have become friendly with?
    Does this include all of your escort friends?
    Does this include not coming onto this site?
    I am curious. It might be what I should do.

    Mystery Escort

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008


    That's a very honest post Gemma. It's also very mature for someone so young. But I suppose you've experienced more than most women your age. It's good that you recognise for your own wellbeing that it's time to get out. I suspect alot of escorts stay in this business for longer than they should. It's good that your in control of your own future. I wish you the best of luck whatever you do.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2007


    Thats an interesting and unsettling post, but do your experiences really surprise you?

    You already knew someone in the business.
    I dont think you had a normal upbringing and I dont think Bigpaws helped much - he is too close to the business.

    I also think Liz was right, you were\are too young for such a nasty business.

    I wish you well, I hope you get back to the happy laughing person that I was lucky to meet.

    Dont be too hard on yourself either - when you are young, you are always right and no one can tell you what to do.

    The only advice I would offer is to try and not look back with regret - dont let it eat you up inside. You did what you did, and from that experience you can learn and grow.

    Now you can get back to being a mad young thing, travelling and living life to the full.

    You dont have to answer to anyone your reasons for quitting - just quit!

    All the best
    Rory aka sad middle aged git with no life!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Thumbs down Rory

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Thats an interesting and unsettling post, but do your experiences really surprise you?

    You already knew someone in the business.
    I dont think you had a normal upbringing and I dont think Bigpaws helped much - he is too close to the business.

    I also think Liz was right, you were\are too young for such a nasty business.

    I wish you well, I hope you get back to the happy laughing person that I was lucky to meet.

    Dont be too hard on yourself either - when you are young, you are always right and no one can tell you what to do.

    The only advice I would offer is to try and not look back with regret - dont let it eat you up inside. You did what you did, and from that experience you can learn and grow.

    Now you can get back to being a mad young thing, travelling and living life to the full.

    You dont have to answer to anyone your reasons for quitting - just quit!

    All the best
    Rory aka sad middle aged git with no life!
    Rory you are completely wrong in your assessment of my "role" in Gemma's life.

    The truth is I tried my very best to convince Gemma to stop escorting because I knew the eventual effect it would have on her life and I could see early on the negative effects it was having on her.
    I spent many many nights advising her, helping her, being there for her and devoting myself completely to her well-being ................. I even stopped punting myself in order to show her that escorting/punting was not the way to live one's life.
    I thought I was successful only to later find out that I was one of the people who cared for Gemma that she lied to ..................

    I'm very happy to now see that Gemma has finally reached rock-bottom and realise that this life is not for her .............. good luck with the future Gem and all the best.

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2007


    gemma ,

    u really moved me today with ure post and i hope u are very happy in the future ,
    ure a great gal


    ps my last post

  6. #26

    Thumbs down Again full of shit

    Quote Originally Posted by anitasizzle View Post
    The shit that one gets into when they lie and say they're retiring makes you wonder why they told the lie in the first place, it's not as if they never heard of the word 'credibility' or is that a word young Celtic CUbs didn't have to formalize themselves with

    Remember,long after the credit cards , cash and loans are gone, a persons word is everything, always as been, all ways will be
    What about you JABBA?
    You hate Dublin men, we can't get it up and we watch to much porn. And you said you would never work here again......... but here you are sucking our dicks

  7. #27

    Default Bigpaws..

    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    Rory you are completely wrong in your assessment of my "role" in Gemma's life.

    The truth is I tried my very best to convince Gemma to stop escorting because I knew the eventual effect it would have on her life and I could see early on the negative effects it was having on her.
    I spent many many nights advising her, helping her, being there for her and devoting myself completely to her well-being ................. I even stopped punting myself in order to show her that escorting/punting was not the way to live one's life.
    I thought I was successful only to later find out that I was one of the people who cared for Gemma that she lied to ..................

    I'm very happy to now see that Gemma has finally reached rock-bottom and realise that this life is not for her .............. good luck with the future Gem and all the best.

    Are you sure my apology was to you? I know we do not and still do not agree on certain things but no matter what you may think I do respect you enough not to say whatever I have to say to you on a public message board.

    I also did not hit rock bottom. I am getting rid of all my contacts before I do.

    PS: The last thing I said to you is absolutely true.

    Last edited by sexybabehere; 20-01-09 at 13:07. Reason: left out the PS part

  8. #28

    Default Rory

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    Thats an interesting and unsettling post, but do your experiences really surprise you?

    You already knew someone in the business.
    I dont think you had a normal upbringing and I dont think Bigpaws helped much - he is too close to the business.

    I also think Liz was right, you were\are too young for such a nasty business.

    I wish you well, I hope you get back to the happy laughing person that I was lucky to meet.

    Dont be too hard on yourself either - when you are young, you are always right and no one can tell you what to do.

    The only advice I would offer is to try and not look back with regret - dont let it eat you up inside. You did what you did, and from that experience you can learn and grow.

    Now you can get back to being a mad young thing, travelling and living life to the full.

    You dont have to answer to anyone your reasons for quitting - just quit!

    All the best
    Rory aka sad middle aged git with no life!
    I agree Rory I was too young and I should of not getting involved at all. I am still the happy bubbly person you met I am getting out now before it does start eating me up.


  9. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by Mystery Escort View Post
    I read in your post that you are cutting communication with everyone on the Escort scene.
    Does this include clients you have become friendly with?
    Does this include all of your escort friends?
    Does this include not coming onto this site?
    I am curious. It might be what I should do.

    Mystery Escort
    I am getting rid of my "Gemma" sim and getting a new "normal" number. I may be floating around on this site but I will defo not be a regular with one eye on the screen and another on the tv.. The only person that I will be keeping in contact with that was a client is Big Daddy 69 for the following reasons:
    - He is one of the only normal young person on this site that only goes on to have a laugh.
    - He does not talk to me about the escort world.
    - He only talks to me about sex if he is telling me who he is banging that day.
    - He also never looks for a re-match that we always joke about.
    - He is just a friend and one of my only male friends that is not gay.


  10. #30

    Default Yes

    Quote Originally Posted by Mystery Escort View Post
    I will text you of my Irish number shortly. I am happy most of the time although I could be happier. The lifestyle I live is lavish but lonely.
    I have been thinking for awhile Gemma and I do not have any qualifications and do not see a way out. I have tried to go back to an adult learning program but felt misplaced.
    You are absolutely correct, when I did have partners I told myself it was only for the money. Sex with my partners became like any of the other business transactions. I do not think I can ever trust a man again. Do you think you can knowing what you know?

    Mystery Escort
    If you asked me 3 weeks ago I would of said no but my opinion has changed now. Yes I can still trust a man. I went threw a woman phase for the past two weeks and it was good but not great. I went to a gay/bi club the other night wanting a woman and I left at the end of the night wanting a man lol. Give yourself time and you can begin to trust and respect men again. Time heals everything and spending time with normal friends does too. I do not mean friends that will say hang on I have a client, I will be back in a few mins. Take some time of working and have a few great weekends out with your normal friends and a few good after parties and you will be grand after time.


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