There are a growing number of business savvy girls who are only charging a €100 and plently of the 150'ers who are only to willing to drop to a "20 min special" for a €100 if you want a lesser service i.e a hand job etc this can be negotiated much easier than in the past.

I fully realise that the girls can charge €150 if they like but that means that there still must be plentl of ejitts out there who for a while may be recerssion proof for a while.

I really believe that the situation is going to get much worse and that the Brenda's of the world with her attitude will wither on the vine.

As a postscript to Brendas remarks she quotes an average of 6 clients per day at €150 thats €900 per day X 5 days thats €4500 taxfree per week, its obvious that her and her ilk are living in ivory towers at the moment.

Maybe George Lee could run a special on this subject