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Thread: Elizabeth will you marry me?

  1. #1

    Default Elizabeth will you marry me?

    My dear Elizabeth Ive met no one like you in my life. Your one of a kind. Your funny, unpredictable, fiesty and good in the sack. What more can a man want in a woman. I dont know if you can cook or clean. That doesnt matter Im wealthy enough to hire a private chef to cook for us. Would Gordon Ramsey be good enough for you. We could get a few lovely ladys from this website to clean for us. Anyone of your choice. I live in a mansion in Dubbers. We could rename it Hilton towers. What Im saying is Elizabeth, will you do me the great honour of becoming my wife. Remember I busted you out of jail. Ill give up the cigars. Ill even clean the toilet with my tongue. Anything, just marry me and youll want for nothing. Ill change my name to Clint Hilton. I believe Carlos Marvado is a bit of a preacher here. So he will marry us. The honeymoon will be in Barbados. I have a diamond engagement ring for you. I also got you the juke box you requested. Mr Gene Hunt will be my best man. We hate each others guts, but hes the only person I know on this site. Im down on one knee and this hip is killing me. Dont keep me hanging Elizabeth whats it to be.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Sorry Clint, but I married Hot Lizzy off to Flyshit...I mean Flypan some time ago.

    But if you can manage to control your beastial urges until I can arrange to have her petition for a divorce expedited, I will be more than happy to officiate at another one of her marriages.

    You will even be entitled to a discount rate marriage service, as she keeps me very busy, what with her ever changing domestic arrangements. While you're waiting, would you care to direct another movie or maybe spend a little time with some of the nice ladies on this site.

    Between Hot Lizzy, Liz Taylor and those lovely Collins sisters, I'm kept very busy indeed.

  3. Angry

    OK you little spaghetti western wanka u r startin ta piss us orf. Lizbet is not da marrying kind she is to much of a free sprit ta get hitched to a wrinkly old cowboy like u

    R U GODFATHA????? EH????? R YA???

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2008


    Ease up boys, he's joining the old family firm....the Pine Fresh Butt Plug brigade.....after all, he swings every which way but loose.

  5. Default

    Quote Originally Posted by carlos marvado View Post
    Ease up boys, he's joining the old family firm....the Pine Fresh Butt Plug brigade.....after all, he swings every which way but loose.
    We r sorry Mr Marvado its jus we r very protective of r dear sweet innoce……hang on…ok so she ain’t all dat innocent but we made a promise ta er ole man on his death bed (ok it woz us dat put him there fair nough) but we is ruddy dammed if we r gonna let a class bird like Lizbet marry a muppet like dat!!

    Put us down for a few extra large an noblely pine cones as we r gonna find out if n clint is as tough as e makes out. he gets r goat e does an naw mistake

    And we wanna try out da delux model on a dead rapper we hear is hangin around the gaff like a bad smell. We ates bleedin rappers. We’ll see ow he takes to it an all goin swell we will take a few thou for da east euro market plus da bro wants one an all for himself not me UNDERSTAND?

  6. #6


    Ok punks do you feel lucky. Lets see what your made of. You cant even speak the language your country invented. You english wankers. Im having Elizabeth weather you like it or not. Im coming to Cork tonight to see her. Im going to fly into her room like the milk tray man. Instead of milk tray itll be a diamond ring. I hope shes not on the top floor otherwise I dont know how Ill get that jukebox in. Flyplan is a lucky man Carlos lucky indeed. We could still get married. I heard she used to go to Delhi and Dubai. In those a man could have several wives. I dont know if it applies the other way around. But she wears the trousers in our relationship and shes got more balls than most men.

  7. Default

    i dunno her, this elizabeth cuddy-heur. she mus be some ride wenever yous boys all are lukin 2 buck her.

    elizabeth, wud u not marry me dauter?

    i,m yung an handsom an a gud wee singer an dancer elizabeth. so marry me


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008


    What about that wee Vickers girl. She'll be devastated when she finds out your after another woman.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  9. Thumbs up I,m the wan tha deflowerd dianne

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    What about that wee Vickers girl. She'll be devastated when she finds out your after another woman.
    oh thon wan Dianne, i took her virginity you know

    giddy oul heure wanted to houl my hand and stare in2 me eyes and all that shite. so i got the ould fat guy daniel to buy me 6 tins of harp lager.

    dianne thought this was all grown-up of me, so i split it with her and let her drink 4 of em, so she,d be more pissed than me

    i toul the heure that I LOVED HER and wanted to marry her but cudden cos i had a wee problem with me wee mickey

    so she wanted to see, being pissed and all. so, i asked her cud i put me mickey into her fanny just for a wee minute and out again


    and then i let her rub the warm sticky stuff into me HAIR

  10. #10


    You should be locked up you paedophile. What age is she. She cant be 16 yet.

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