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Thread: Price of Oil ! x

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to tony1 For This Useful Post:

    willie wacker (21-12-14)

  3. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by dob View Post
    Putin is a CUNT. A tinpot dictator. A feckless rogue. An enemy of freedom. An autocratic despot. A waster of Russia's vast resources to line his and his mates pockets. Remember the Sochi Winter Olympics that cost €50 Billion, eight times the cost they should have been, hosted in a place that gets even less snow than we do.

    Remember the Malaysian Airways plane they knocked out of the sky killing all those people.
    The "democratically" elected president of Ukraine was another CUNT who lined his pockets before cunning and running back to his puppet master in Moscow.

    I'm delighted that Russia is now reaping what it sowed with its currency gone to shit and the oil price tanking. It's nothing more than a mafia state with a moronic complacent populous that are fed a diet of bullshit from their state controlled media.
    Doe,s it remind you of here a small bit
    All our oil givin away and an ex-tTaoiseach now sit on Statoil board
    480 billion euro worth of Irish fish givin away for nothing, our fishing fleet tied up while EU fleet rapes our waters!!!
    and irish people suffering
    The 4th Reich live and well


  4. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by justfrank44 View Post
    Ah well no-ones perfect. And how are our populous any better?
    In fairness opposition in our country aren't persecuted by the government, the people don't blindly support our leaders and our media aren't controlled by the government.
    Maybe our people see the worst in our system which under most unbiased international comparisons is among the best in the world. Much of the media commentary we are subjected to is utter bullshit, but not for the reasons that you believe.

  5. #44
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    Sep 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by willie wacker View Post
    Doe,s it remind you of here a small bit
    All our oil givin away and an ex-tTaoiseach now sit on Statoil board
    480 billion euro worth of Irish fish givin away for nothing, our fishing fleet tied up while EU fleet rapes our waters!!!
    and irish people suffering
    The 4th Reich live and well
    Ah Jaysus.....

    If we were depending on our fisheries for our wealth we would be down with places like Albania in terms of GDP. Your €480b figure doesn't make any sense.
    I looked up the statoil board and there is no ex Taoiseach on its board. However Brian Cowan is on the board of Topaz, which just sells petrol and diesel, from service stations, it doesn't produce the stuff.
    If there was much oil in our territory, it would have been discovered by now given the overly generous conditions offered to oil companies.

  6. #45
    Join Date
    May 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by dob View Post
    In fairness opposition in our country aren't persecuted by the government, the people don't blindly support our leaders and our media aren't controlled by the government.
    Maybe our people see the worst in our system which under most unbiased international comparisons is among the best in the world. Much of the media commentary we are subjected to is utter bullshit, but not for the reasons that you believe.
    Which is what? People in the west are brain dead sheep.We allow our leadership to run amock with our economy and lives while all we care about is what car we can drive or what iphone we can buy, with money we don't actually have, plunging ourselves more and more into debt for an imaginary lifestyle. Leaderships partaking in and/or supporting illegal and/or imoral actions in foreign lands in order to get the rights to oil or resources which will only profit their friends or colleagues, not for the humanitarian goals which they were supposed to be. Pretty much all the countries they have become involved in are probably worse off than before.So how is the west any better than Russia?

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to justfrank44 For This Useful Post:

    annabel taylor (22-12-14)

  8. #46
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    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by dob View Post
    Ah Jaysus.....

    If we were depending on our fisheries for our wealth we would be down with places like Albania in terms of GDP. Your €480b figure doesn't make any sense.
    I looked up the statoil board and there is no ex Taoiseach on its board. However Brian Cowan is on the board of Topaz, which just sells petrol and diesel, from service stations, it doesn't produce the stuff.
    If there was much oil in our territory, it would have been discovered by now given the overly generous conditions offered to oil companies.
    Sorry my appogies about the Topaz, my friends who works in Statoil in norway told me that it,s found but tapped and waiting to bring it to the surface later when it reached 200 dollars a barrel,
    Read the acticle about 480 billion in a Ecomonic Mag, I,ll look for it if I find it I,ll link it


  9. #47
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Consider this line taken from the Wikipedia article on Pussy Riot.

    Pussy Riot's LGBT rights advocacy is seen in a negative light by conservative Russians; according to a Levada poll published in 2010, 74% of Russians view homosexuality as a "moral perversion" or "mental illness"
    To listen to the western outlets you would swear Pussy Riot were martyrs rather than the attention-seeking vandals of church property that they are generally perceived to be in Russia. The overwhelming majority of Russians found their actions reprehensible, sacrilegious and a host of other negative adjectives.

    I find it odd the hostility in the west directed towards Putin, considering a lot of his policy decisions are a reflection of the Russian electorate and his objective is a strengthening of his people's homeland, a resurgent Mother Russia. I'm not saying I like the guy, I don't. We seem to forget that it was the voters who put him in power and he is in no small part a reflection of those people. The anti-gay legislations had been creeping in across the Russian Federation for a while already at a state level without Putin's input. In a 2013 poll it was found that 85% of Russians were against same sex marriage, 5% for. What democratically elected leader in the west would go against that kind of public mandate? There is a strongly traditional and religious element to Russian society that was long suppressed under the communist totalitarian regime. Couple this with near two decades of American and European encroachment on Russian regional interests (rocket domes in Poland ffs) and its no wonder the fire has been stoked so well. Putin is playing to this, and why not. I also think it's very premature to be speculating that the Russian public are turning against him. Wishful thinking I suspect.

    Then there's this.

    That's a map of world poverty according to the CIA ( yup, THAT CIA). There are interesting statistics out there, including the Human Development Index and figures from the world bank, which show poverty percentages when comparing the Russian and American population to be equivalent.

    I believe there's a selective myopia at play when it comes to discussing Russia.

    Just to be clear, I'm in no way condoning sexual discrimination.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Jiberjabber For This Useful Post:

    annabel taylor (22-12-14)

  11. #48
    Join Date
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    Putin's a beast of a man, puts the fear of God in the other leaders

  12. #49
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by dob View Post
    Ah Jaysus.....

    If we were depending on our fisheries for our wealth we would be down with places like Albania in terms of GDP. Your €480b figure doesn't make any sense.
    I looked up the statoil board and there is no ex Taoiseach on its board. However Brian Cowan is on the board of Topaz, which just sells petrol and diesel, from service stations, it doesn't produce the stuff.
    If there was much oil in our territory, it would have been discovered by now given the overly generous conditions offered to oil companies.

    The amount of fish taken out of Irish Waters up until 2010 is 200 billion, but if the fish were processed in Ireland and exported the figure go,es up to 480


  13. #50
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