Quote Originally Posted by happy shy lad View Post
There will be Independence in Cataloina as most Catalans want to be independent from Spain and over 300 years ago they were independent and just look as Spannish history and how Catalans were treated by Franco army and the stories still get worse of what Franco army did in Nortern Spain. FC Barcelona would be no more only for Irish man Frank O Farrell took them on tour of America and most of players never returned to Barcelona as they feared for there lives on return. Franco was king of Spain and the kings team Real Madrid. Just wait and see what happens next when Cataloina votes YES (SI). You will have a break away and who will be next the Basques or Galicians ????
Patrick O'Connell was the Irishman who managed Barcelona.

The Madrid government has declared the vote illegal so it will be interesting to see what the next couple of years will bring. Early indications are that the majority (of those who voted) are in favour so it appears to be game on