Ahem, anonymouse, I'm delighted that you have discovered Foley Street, previously Montgomery Street. Well done on your research work brother, but I already posted a similar thread on 30.05.2008. Seeing as you were'nt working off my material, I wont take issue with you over plagiarism.

Quote from 30.05.2008:

"Having just read randyrave's review of Virginia No. 4915, I thought I'd fill in the historically challenged with a little bit of information about Foley Street, where the said Escort seems to be located.

Prior to independence, Foley Street was called Montgomery Street and this street lent it's name to Dublin's famous red-light district, called Monto. Monto itself, must have covered a reasonably sized area which included what is now Sean MacDermott Street, because in it's heyday (1860s to 1900s) it was said that up to 1600 prostitutes where working there at any given time. It was reputed to be the biggest red-light district in Europe and the third biggest in the British Empire. According to a popular legend, the Prince of Wales, Prince Albert Edward (later King Edward VII) lost his virginity there.

Frank Duff of the Legion of Mary, was one of those people who was instrumental in getting Monto closed down. He was supported in this by General William Murphy, the Dublin Police Commissioner. Following a series of raids, in which 120 people were arrested, the last brothels in Monto were closed down on 12th March 1925. Or so they thought anyway.

It's great to see that an ancient Dublin tradition is alive and well and that the old red-light still shines brightly in what used to be Monto. Unfortunately, it's unlikely that it will ever reach it's pre-independence heyday, as the best customers for the girls were the soldiers of the British Army garrisoned here.

Who knows, maybe if the Lisbon treaty is passed, our home-grown post-independence troglodytes will receive a rap on the knuckles from their betters in Brussels and be told to stop persecuting the working ladies in this jurisdiction."