Quote Originally Posted by Hot Lizzy View Post
You think the Irish are idiots....... thats a terrible thing to say about your fellow men.

I specialise honey - I specialise in watching my back ........ and not taking any shit like so many on this board - not wondering why the Paws man is off my back - doesn't take much to deal with him now does it....?????

Roy Keane and his Irish guys done good today - if only........ just seconds from taking 3 points away from the French National team - now thats a real shame.

Games of the weekend tomorrow.......xxx Lizzy
besides you've f'all sense of humour.You mention lots of things in your post that just dont bother me in the slightest in whatever shape or form.Anyway the place is hardly worth posting on anymore.Its turning into a dump full of clashing egos.The you started -me is better clashes and even Pat still has her knickers in a twist over something that occurred with me a good while back.

Give me a fuckin break plz,