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Thread: How To Find Any Escorts Exact Location!!

  1. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by experienced punter View Post
    yep you refered to me as some 'typical White American whatever' in a thread
    I referred to you as someone I would never visit I have no doubt others will follow suit
    voice your opinions by all means but have a little self-respect too in the way u voice these
    your opinions
    portraying yourself as a victim because of your skin colour & trying to play the racist card
    is a tired old argument Racism is wrong & i absolutely love Blackpussy myself but black people like you do your race no favours you are living your life with a chip on your shoulder
    get over it...
    experienced punter
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    no blacks - 10-11-07, 02:16 PM


    i have given up on Black escorts i have done my money many times always the blacks i just don't know why they all have such bad attitude i recommend u look elsewhere buddy don't take this as racist anybody

    QUOTE=experienced punter
    it is my experience my hard earned money was completely wasted i always highly respect women it is not my fault blacks i have paid have behaved like this. Brown Sugar is the exception to those i have met but hard to get due to demand Shes a great girl so no i'm not puttin down every Black escort

    Banned User
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    06-12-07, 06:51 PM


    Originally Posted by experienced punter
    black people must stop playing the race card, people have been reluctant to speak out in fear of being labelled racist,African escorts (about a dozen) i have been with over the years had all the same horrible manner, it is not our fault that they behave like that, u simply couldnt trust them, we've done our money we are warning other punters to save theirs, there are exceptions but i haven't found them, i avoid them now

    Quote Anitasizzle

    You sound like a SLEAZY, FILTHY, WHITE AMERICAN!

    Yep, I sound it, so get over it.
    Last edited by anitasizzle; 25-08-08 at 14:53.

  2. #72
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    Default Rory…An answer Sir,

    Quote Originally Posted by roryman View Post
    So I ask you QPH, how do you honestly think you would handle it after carefully arranging to meet an escort and she has sworn blind that she would do GFE for example, you hand over your hard earned cash and lol and behold - NO GFE, other faves are extra, or she looks completely different but you are there in the room now, or you come after 10 mins and she starts getting dressed having paid for the hour etc etc etc
    I am sure you would be the perfect gent, but inside, would you be so happy? Would you try and gently state your case to her and say "But your profile says"?
    And would you give a fair and good review?
    Or would you perhaps get just a little world weary and just a little cynical?

    High Rory, I have no problem answering that or ANY question, if I found myself in that situation I would be royally pissed, and state so clearly and unequivocally in a review, and any review of mine would not be graphic but it would be honest and for these reasons…

    An Escort (Male or Female) doing what you describe, would not be an Escort in my view, they would be a thief, just as much as if the picked your pocket on the street.

    I would quietly ask why they did not do what they advertised, and if still had my money, would turn on my heel, by if already handed over, I would take the hit and chalk it down to experience, and make sure all knew about it. That is why this forum and chatroom are so important to foster a environment were Escorts and Clients feel comfortable engaging, if gives far better insight then any profile or to a lesser degree reviews, as they are not infallible either. I presume PM’s are conducted whereby both parties can gain a measure of each other or in the chatroom, both would stand a much better chance of avoiding both a bad Escort or bad Client respectively, not foolproof, but much better, in combination with reviews and being able to have confidence in profiles.

    They would be more like a confidence trickster, waiting for the next mug to arrive

    They would deserve to be highlighted and driven out of this arena

    They would be damaging things for Genuine Escort’s and all come under suspicion

    A genuine client should not have their time and money wasted in a manner so described, they should not if presentable themselves in every way, be given the runaround. It’s plain wrong and dishonest.

    It plants in Men’s minds that all are like that and could lead to resentment by some that might be taken out on them or others.

    For those reasons and more…


    I can’t be any clearer then that.

    I stated that a bad Escort is a Bad Escort regardless of gender, and that applies to Clients as well. All Genuine Escorts and Clients would agree with that, it’s not Stephen Hawkings, brief history of time in complexity as to what both parties should expect as basic standard operating procedure…

    Boiled down to brass tacks, its,


    Do what they say they do, or else don’t include it. If they say they do GFE, but turn out to have an attitude like a bulldog chewing a wasp, then they are misleading people.


    Wash the ball bag, and be mannerly.

    How hard is that?

    I am under no illusions that some Escorts are up to every trick in the book, some pretty nasty tricks at that, just as some Clients are as well like blackmailing with a bad review. There will always be a some poor sap that will fall for it, all that can be done is for both sides to contribute to letting each other know where there is an issue. My concern is who watches the watchers?

    I hope that answers your question Rory, and thanks for asking.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an answer Rory ............ I've noticed a trend lately of QPH avoiding the "difficult" questions and much preferring to look at the world of escorting through rose-tinted glasses.

    This is NOT an attack on QPH, it's just a genuine observation ............... or maybe he will answer your question Rory?? We'll see!!

    This is also not an attack, and also genuine observation. I welcome discussion based on calm thought, reason and fair play, all my posts are thus, this is no different.

    If you feel I have avoided the “Tough” questions, I fail to see where. I have yet to asked a “Tough” question here by anyone here. What I consider tough is obviously quite different then what you call tough.

    I call a tough question…

    Would you at 13, through to 18 break down yet another door in the house to stop someone committing suicide yet again with a razor blade while out of their mind

    Would you have your sister removed from her home and live with relations, to protect her and not cause her lasting damage.

    Would you again beg your family “Doctor” to stop prescribing massive amounts of tranquilizers to a parent and help you only to be ignored yet again

    Do you quit school and get a job to keep the roof over your head

    Do you decide to have them committed to an institution on your 18th birthday for their and your sisters safety, while they scream at you not to while being taken away.

    My eyes roll to heaven at the thought of what pass’s for some as a “tough” question here. I challenge anyone to ask a question of me that causes me more difficulty then those that I agonized over. It’s not going to happen.

    I also am tiring at the notion that just because I am not a client, that I somehow can not see things from both sides perspectives, you do not have to stand in a thunderstorm to know you’ll get wet. I have voiced my opinions fairly and without reference to my gender in everything here, you said yourself my point of view was bordering on essential. Although I do not see that that is so, I find it troubling that as soon as I disagree with you on something I all of a sudden am persona non grata. You called my impartiality into question also, how would I be impartial if I just agreed with everything you said, again that is another example of a Man wanting his cake an eating it, value my input when it tallies with you, but belittle me when it does not, its not happening Paws. I’ve been fending for myself from an age when most were wondering when their balls would drop, I’ll speak my mind regardless of your opinion of me. I have from a young age been able to instantly see things from a Woman’s point of view, it come naturally to me, even an Escort quoted something I attributed to them as being true to all Escorts, so I must be able to, to some degree, but would be waiting a long time for you to concede that or concede anything for that matter. That is why I feel it pointless debating with you because as soon as it looks remotely like having to concede a point, you just ignore it and unilaterally decide that that topic is at an end. You even tell people to stay on topic, who are you or anyone to decide what someone wants to add, this is a forum and not the leaving cert, where everything has to be compartmentalized.

    It is obvious to me that you are trying to backtrack on your oft mentioned positive view of me when my input differs from, and does not fit in with your grand design for how things should be, I believe your heart is in the right place, but you are trampling on that which you say you wish to protect paradoxically, in your belligerence and dogma to some issues.

    The Tree that bends with the wind bears fruit the longest.

    My rose tinted glasses were smashed long ago, but I refuse to let myself get cynical, EVER, about anything, the things that trouble Clients, yes they are valid, they should not be so discommoded, but you only have to step back and see they are trifling concerns in the greater scheme of things, at the end of the day all those problems can be solved by doing your homework or at worst all anyone has to do is stop engaging in this realm,

    Heres a “tough” question

    You can “stop” if you wanted to, can you? (To all)

    Try coming home after a day using a chainsaw that’s to big for you and wondering what you’ll have to deal with on opening the door, will they even be alive. Ihe main reason my hands give me problems today is that during those years I hit every concrete wall in the house with full force many times over in my frustration at not being able to get people to see sense, see reason, concede a fair point, to admit making a mistake, traits that you regrettably display here. I hit those walls because it hurt like hell, and if it hurt bad enough then I knew I would not be able to hit those that had it coming, my only regret is that I did not hit them, but I a not made that way, but if I could someone would be alive today. I’m glad my hands hurt as it reminds me of what I escaped from and what I failed to do, my only ambition it to not have a cross word spoken in my presence ever again, to which I have been successful for over a decade thus far. I have no wish to come on here and engage with aggressively minded belligerent and intransigent people, and be reminded of such failings in others. I left all that behind me long ago.

    I assure you, looking through rose tinted glasses was not a luxury I ever had. Do not be so condescending in your comments to me.

    As to the issue of being sexist in relation to how a Woman should be spoken to, We should all be respectful to one another regardless of gender, but I personally view a Man using such terms to a Woman as more offensive then from one Woman to another, and if a Woman unilaterally uses bad language to a Man, that is regrettable but there is no need for him to reciprocate in kind. I work in the real world with rough men, they curse all day, everyday, and I have been feefed and blinded from sunup till sundown, does not mean I like it, I don’t, but one man said to another means very little to me.

    And AGAIN I find it incredulous to beyond the point of farce that people will defend to the death the right of equality to tell each other to F**K OFF but seek to deny a Woman the right to charge what she chooses for her own body, and insist on slapping a pathetic “greed” tag on them.


  4. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    And AGAIN I find it incredulous to beyond the point of farce that people will defend to the death the right of equality to tell each other to F**K OFF but seek to deny a Woman the right to charge what she chooses for her own body, and insist on slapping a pathetic “greed” tag on them.

    QPH, if the above is genuinely what you have had to deal with in your life, then seriously my heart bleeds for you, it really does. Probably goes a long way to explaining your OCD. Thankfully I have never known anything like the above and hopefully I never will.

    However, no-one and I REPEAT no-one ever said that women don't have the right to charge what the hell they like for their bodies. Of course they do. We, as paying punters though have the right to complain about it and to call them greedy. Those are the simple, irrefutable facts, now please let it lie ok?
    Last edited by punterminator; 25-08-08 at 17:40.
    Anything's a dildo if you're brave enough.

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysterious Diana View Post
    Ok, I am teribly sorry to affect this very heated debat in whith, to my disappontment, are participating my favorite members of this board...
    Dam, I feel like I am back in the nursery school, can someone call the teacher, please?!

    Anyway Paws love this joke..

    PS: For any complains about my spelling or punctuacion please use

    Você pode ajudar-me com minha pronunciação em qualquer altura que do dia ou da noite minha senhora do mistério.

  6. #76
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    Exclamation Qph

    Quote Originally Posted by Quarterpoundher View Post
    This is also not an attack, and also genuine observation. I welcome discussion based on calm thought, reason and fair play, all my posts are thus, this is no different.

    If you feel I have avoided the “Tough” questions, I fail to see where. I have yet to asked a “Tough” question here by anyone here. What I consider tough is obviously quite different then what you call tough.

    I call a tough question…

    Would you at 13, through to 18 break down yet another door in the house to stop someone committing suicide yet again with a razor blade while out of their mind

    Would you have your sister removed from her home and live with relations, to protect her and not cause her lasting damage.

    Would you again beg your family “Doctor” to stop prescribing massive amounts of tranquilizers to a parent and help you only to be ignored yet again

    Do you quit school and get a job to keep the roof over your head

    Do you decide to have them committed to an institution on your 18th birthday for their and your sisters safety, while they scream at you not to while being taken away.

    My eyes roll to heaven at the thought of what pass’s for some as a “tough” question here. I challenge anyone to ask a question of me that causes me more difficulty then those that I agonized over. It’s not going to happen.

    I also am tiring at the notion that just because I am not a client, that I somehow can not see things from both sides perspectives, you do not have to stand in a thunderstorm to know you’ll get wet. I have voiced my opinions fairly and without reference to my gender in everything here, you said yourself my point of view was bordering on essential. Although I do not see that that is so, I find it troubling that as soon as I disagree with you on something I all of a sudden am persona non grata. You called my impartiality into question also, how would I be impartial if I just agreed with everything you said, again that is another example of a Man wanting his cake an eating it, value my input when it tallies with you, but belittle me when it does not, its not happening Paws. I’ve been fending for myself from an age when most were wondering when their balls would drop, I’ll speak my mind regardless of your opinion of me. I have from a young age been able to instantly see things from a Woman’s point of view, it come naturally to me, even an Escort quoted something I attributed to them as being true to all Escorts, so I must be able to, to some degree, but would be waiting a long time for you to concede that or concede anything for that matter. That is why I feel it pointless debating with you because as soon as it looks remotely like having to concede a point, you just ignore it and unilaterally decide that that topic is at an end. You even tell people to stay on topic, who are you or anyone to decide what someone wants to add, this is a forum and not the leaving cert, where everything has to be compartmentalized.

    It is obvious to me that you are trying to backtrack on your oft mentioned positive view of me when my input differs from, and does not fit in with your grand design for how things should be, I believe your heart is in the right place, but you are trampling on that which you say you wish to protect paradoxically, in your belligerence and dogma to some issues.

    The Tree that bends with the wind bears fruit the longest.

    My rose tinted glasses were smashed long ago, but I refuse to let myself get cynical, EVER, about anything, the things that trouble Clients, yes they are valid, they should not be so discommoded, but you only have to step back and see they are trifling concerns in the greater scheme of things, at the end of the day all those problems can be solved by doing your homework or at worst all anyone has to do is stop engaging in this realm,

    Heres a “tough” question

    You can “stop” if you wanted to, can you? (To all)

    Try coming home after a day using a chainsaw that’s to big for you and wondering what you’ll have to deal with on opening the door, will they even be alive. Ihe main reason my hands give me problems today is that during those years I hit every concrete wall in the house with full force many times over in my frustration at not being able to get people to see sense, see reason, concede a fair point, to admit making a mistake, traits that you regrettably display here. I hit those walls because it hurt like hell, and if it hurt bad enough then I knew I would not be able to hit those that had it coming, my only regret is that I did not hit them, but I a not made that way, but if I could someone would be alive today. I’m glad my hands hurt as it reminds me of what I escaped from and what I failed to do, my only ambition it to not have a cross word spoken in my presence ever again, to which I have been successful for over a decade thus far. I have no wish to come on here and engage with aggressively minded belligerent and intransigent people, and be reminded of such failings in others. I left all that behind me long ago.

    I assure you, looking through rose tinted glasses was not a luxury I ever had. Do not be so condescending in your comments to me.

    As to the issue of being sexist in relation to how a Woman should be spoken to, We should all be respectful to one another regardless of gender, but I personally view a Man using such terms to a Woman as more offensive then from one Woman to another, and if a Woman unilaterally uses bad language to a Man, that is regrettable but there is no need for him to reciprocate in kind. I work in the real world with rough men, they curse all day, everyday, and I have been feefed and blinded from sunup till sundown, does not mean I like it, I don’t, but one man said to another means very little to me.

    And AGAIN I find it incredulous to beyond the point of farce that people will defend to the death the right of equality to tell each other to F**K OFF but seek to deny a Woman the right to charge what she chooses for her own body, and insist on slapping a pathetic “greed” tag on them.

    QPH I had hoped to keep the matters you raised in PM but have it your way regardless of the effect it may or may (hopefully not!!) not have on others here ............

    I know you believe your posts are based on "genuine observation" and they are ........... but what you fail to accept is that your observations are uninformed to say the least.
    Up until recently I never saw this as a problem as I thought you would be in a position to give an unbiased opinion.
    I was wrong and not because you disagreed with me (you have done so many times on here from the very beginning after all) but because you jeopardised the personal safety of another member of this board .......... you showed me that you can potentially be a liability .......... unwittingly so but a liability all the same.
    I can afford to bulldoze in on topics as I know were the landmines are or I can find out were they are before they explode in somebody's face ............ you don't have the same cababilities in this arena.
    Your conflicting statements of "I have voiced my opinions fairly and without reference to my gender" and "I have from a young age been able to instantly see things from a Woman’s point of view" alone blow any notion out of the water of you being impartial. But that is not as important as you simply jumping into topics, high-lighting individuals and having no idea or any way of knowing what hugely negative effect such tactics could have on said individuals' life and/or well-being.

    You may be tiring of the fact that you being a non-punter matters .......... but it does matter now because I never expected you to get so heavily involved in topics that you really have no business in which I know you won't like me saying but I always call it how it is like it or not.
    Everything I ever posted positively about your presence here I believed and I still believe as long as you remained "harmless" for lack of a better word ............ things change, people change and situations change.
    I have to now see you in a different light for the betterment of others ......... it may never come to anything (as it didn't recently) but I won't take that chance QPH and you understand why I'm sure, I just hope you don't make me say it in public.

    To answer you're question "who watches the watchers" .......... we watch eachother QPH, we watch eachother.
    You are not in a position to watch anybody here, I'm afraid you will just have to accept that once and for all.

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  7. #77
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    Exclamation Anita

    Quote Originally Posted by anitasizzle View Post
    experienced punter
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    no blacks - 10-11-07, 02:16 PM


    i have given up on Black escorts i have done my money many times always the blacks i just don't know why they all have such bad attitude i recommend u look elsewhere buddy don't take this as racist anybody

    QUOTE=experienced punter
    it is my experience my hard earned money was completely wasted i always highly respect women it is not my fault blacks i have paid have behaved like this. Brown Sugar is the exception to those i have met but hard to get due to demand Shes a great girl so no i'm not puttin down every Black escort

    Banned User
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    06-12-07, 06:51 PM


    Originally Posted by experienced punter
    black people must stop playing the race card, people have been reluctant to speak out in fear of being labelled racist,African escorts (about a dozen) i have been with over the years had all the same horrible manner, it is not our fault that they behave like that, u simply couldnt trust them, we've done our money we are warning other punters to save theirs, there are exceptions but i haven't found them, i avoid them now

    Quote Anitasizzle

    You sound like a SLEAZY, FILTHY, WHITE AMERICAN!

    Yep, I sound it, so get over it.
    Anita I love you and you are a great escort .............. but you were as racist as anybody I have ever seen on here on that particular thread from which you are now taking select quotes. Which is why you were banned under the username "hotspothoney" .................

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  8. #78
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    Wink Lady Di!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by mysterious Diana View Post
    Ok, I am teribly sorry to affect this very heated debat in whith, to my disappontment, are participating my favorite members of this board...
    Dam, I feel like I am back in the nursery school, can someone call the teacher, please?!

    Anyway Paws love this joke..

    PS: For any complains about my spelling or punctuacion please use

    I'm glad you like the joke Di ............. and I'm very glad that at least one person remembers it was a joke!!!!

    By the way your very very slight grammar mistakes make you all the more charming .......... and didn't stop me from understanding you and seeing you as the voice of reason on here ................. a true lady with a great sense of humour!! xx

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

  9. #79
    Join Date
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    Well said QPH. I was going to take my pistols out but the studbud is more than capable of dealing with these bullies.
    Help Keyla in her fight with cancer. Every little helps.
    It could happen to any of us.

  10. #80
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    Talking Highwayman

    Quote Originally Posted by thehighwayman View Post
    Well said QPH. I was going to take my pistols out but the studbud is more than capable of dealing with these bullies.
    Well hopefully QPH can come up with a better answer than yours!!!!!

    Gone ........... and forgotten?

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