Quote Originally Posted by sexy naomi View Post
Hi guys & thank you to be there, my next destination is just a different location in Cork but very soon in the next few weeks I am planning to go to London to visit my friend and to change my pics.
I am bored from seen the same pics over & over again also I swap them places so much I can not do it anymore. Girls should be encourage to change their pics every 6 months or 12 months max. Too many girls here in Ireland are stuck without a good profesional glamour photographer because there are none. Escort-Ireland should have a page or a link for that kind of services also for websites to girls. Bigpaws should add a link into his colection of escort-greedy, escort-good, escort whatever a new colection of escort who must change her pics asap!! As time pass by us escorts grown up, change hair stile, hair color, weigth, height and years but the pics
It will improve customers for girls like I was, complain about work slow down in Dublin as clients maybe as I am bored from seem the same pics over & over again.
It is time to change our pics girls, no excuse anymore for me so I will be heading to London very soon xxx xxx
Diari of a working girl part 3/100

By Experienced punter, Funnights74, Westide & sexy Naomi
Coming soon in your nearest bookshop

Now i could come along here Sexy and say allllllllll those things that you have heard about 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000 times.You look lovely,lovely pics etc etc so well just take the "for granted stuff" out and say that thats a nice radiant pic of you.

Thats a great idea Sexy.Maybe "The Sweetie" (reg tm) will do something to encourage it ,but it is the long weekend so give them about two weesk to settle back into work again.A very good idea Sexy.

Your book Sexy while nice will differ for me in that it must be linked to my bank balance. which of course must include royalties and the abilty to see all women naked but only at my choosing (this is so i dont see grannies naked).

Thats a lovely pic, did you ever hear that before?????????????????