Quote Originally Posted by BACMAN36 View Post
Ok normally I make first contact with a lady by PM. Broke my own rule this morning and made a couple of phone calls. Unfortunately I didn't get through to any of the ladies. I didn't leave any messages and the "window of opportunity" passed so to speak.

Move on, forget about it until next time. I normally plan in advance anyway - I much prefer this.

A few minutes ago I received a text message from a number I didn't recognise.
When I checked I was surprised / shocked / horrified to find out that the text was from one of the ladies that I'd tried to contact earlier.

Now I know that the old hands here will say use a punting phone / sim ya ya but I don't and I'm sure that there are many like me that should but.......

To put it into context the text arrived about 3 1/2 hours after my call. It wasn't explicit but would still require explaining if seen by the wrong person (it wasn't). Also the lady in question is a well respected and regular poster. I think that this is very unprofessional and I'm surprised at this lady, whom I've never actually met but would love to.

So boys and especially girls........is this acceptable?

IMHO - no, a text 5-10 min later is fine but 3 1/2 hours later

btw I have come across a lady who has a voicemail message on her phone saying "the office is unattended etc" which I think is very clever should your missus find the number on your phone and decide to ring it.
See, I never texted anyone like this. However lately I'm thinking, what the heck, I say it on my profile for some 3+ years, that I don't wish to receive txt, yet for 3+ plus years, there is a wealth of gentlemen who send me txt. Of course I have a different phone for these encounters but I also have a very good reason for not wishing to receive txts.
Considering I state it clearly, that I dont do txt, is this acceptable? It probably is, I'm just a whore after all. So I'll accept, that this is the way it is and behave the same way in return. That seems to be the sensible thing to do.