
Some escorts have complained to us that they find the current review system too sexually explicit. They say they wouldn't mind clients reviewing them in a way where the client could indicate if he was happy with the accuracy of their photos, the value for money of their service, whether they'd visit again etc, but they object to clients indicating they engaged in specific sexual acts with them and leaving descriptive text that is sexually explicit.

We see this as a genuine complaint from escorts and want to resolve this issue, so more escorts allow reviews.

It is currently planned that in a month or two, after a major update to our software, escorts will be able to opt to [1] accept reviews, [2] accept partial reviews (no sexually explicit content allowed) or [3] refuse reviews.

We believe this will be a change for the better, but before everything is cast in stone, I would apreciate any feedback on this issue especially from anyone who doesn't think this is a good idea or can see problems with this new system that we may not have anticipated yet. Also, if you think it is a good idea, please post saying so, so we can know clients support this new system.


Pat x