I see angel has opted out of the review system and i think i know why, because a review was posted questioning her hygeine. this is totally untrue. i was recently with the lady her hygeine is impeccable, her service excellent,she is a friendly intellegent lady who will be changing to an exciting new career later in the year.I tried to post a review but as patricia can confirm there was a glitch and it didnt happen.
I would appeal to angel to again allow reviews so i can post mine and set the record straight.
I can understand how humiliating it must feel to have your hygeine questioned like that because as i said this lady had perfect hygeine because u will pick up immediately on bad hygeine (as most escorts will confirm) which was not the case here.
I get the feeling this is a girl with plenty regulars and just dosent need this crap.
This theme has crept into a few reviews lately and is probably a better way to try to discredit a girl than devalue her service.Its not very nice.