Quote Originally Posted by kelso View Post
new evidence from WHO study released today has shown probable evidence to show prolonged use of mobiles and long conversations can cause some cancers? most concern for younger children who use mobiles 'excessively'

Have a read of the above quote, probable evidence, all the research has said is that there may be a link which might cause cancer. Think logically it is impossible to prove there isn't a link so looking at eating ice cream can produce a result that there is probable evidence of ice cream causing cancer. The research was done with people who have existing cancers and asked them how much they remember using their mobile phones. I cannot prove that I am not going to drop dead tomorrow so therefore there is probable evidence that could show a link between tomorrow and death, I can't disprove that. Lets not get carried away, yes caution is good. Its a society equation, there may be a risk but I am happy to take that risk for the benefit, same equation stands for cars, driving a car might kill me but I have decided I will take that risk to drive places.