this guy is the ladooooo. If he had his way youd be cycling to him at 3.00 in the morning with "The Tampon Tunnel" frozen off you.

You he expects things for nothing because he works at the CSO where he uses his extraordinary knowledge of matamatical equations in order to gain a statistical upperhand on the country.

This is a guy, who has a state pension, a perminant pensionable hobby, paid for by the tax pyer of this country.He is certain of a low interest loan amongst other luxuries of the state payed bum.Among his varied talents are the applications of mataical formulae to everyday living.

EG....2 euros = 10mm gain on the pecker.If a guy loses 20 euros off his tummy fluff, then how many mm does he gain on the pecker and what is the average loss of euros for two people.

2 =10. 20= 2x10 Hence........2 x10mm =20mm gain on the pecker and the average loss

= 10X2/2 =10. Such is the extent of his applied maths. Forget the fact that he uses a calculator.

His main worry is to trim some fluff off his pelvic loaf and get this he does pay tax bbbbuuuuuuuuuuuuutttttttt yes the tax payer pays his wages.Now thats majic loves isnt it?? To put that in perspctive ,it would be the same as me calling into one of you, paying 150 and then you giving me a 150 drink voucher on the way out. An eye for an eye.

He came heer as agentleman worried about his relationship with a girl, and only interested in dining escorts.Since then he has progressed to rubbing old ladies, fodling lapdancers, causing trouble in restuarants and fondling his daddy bags.

He sways with the wind like a light weight jockstrap on a closeline.He is the tragic face of the sex industry in Ireland today.He is the future of this Isle (i want to die young).He is the Ladddddddoooooooooo.

He wants to touch my monkey,