Hi all first let me introduce myself
I have never been a very active punter.
I was active on forms in the early and mid 00's

I have always support full legalisation of the industry here along the german lines.

As we all know there has been a serious drive over the last month to introduce swedish style laws here. I only yesterday realised the scale of this campaign when I learnt of the radio campaign. (I dont listen to Irish radio)
I have been in contact with the SWAI and have written letters to the irish Times but more needs to be done.

For a long time clients have expected the law we have I feel been caught on the back foot by this campaign and are on the defence.
We need to have an actual debate on this issue fully and openly
We need to get off our laptops and make our voices heard.

OK enough rhetoric what should we do
Personally I feel we need to organise debates on the subject and get support not just from clients and escorts but also from outside especially women.
We need to turn up to meeting run by ruhama and TOTRL cmapiagn not to cause rows but to let our voices be heard

We need to show that these laws will not protect escorts/prostitutes and will (IMO) make it more dangerous.

I am open to suggestions place him here or PM me