Quote Originally Posted by rover View Post
I sometimes find it a harrowing thought on just how safe your identity is on this site. Not knowing much about the art of computer science, ie - what exactly is an IP address, does the management of this site know who you are, or at least what your address is, I think they can narrow it down to the street where you live. If the shit ever hits the fan, perhaps a different government might want to sort these sites out and do a bit of naming and shaming or something on those lines. You can have a different sim card for your phone, but what can you do about an IP address, an escort once told me to can hide your IP address by tampering with the settings on your computer. What do the Garda know, it's not out of the question for the management of this site to have an arrangement with them, although doubt if that's the case.

Private messages is another issue, I'm pretty certain that the people on the top level of this can quite easily access all the private messages you have ever sent. That would make me want to bow my head down in shame, I've sent some pretty weird ones in my time, the mods mightn't be able able to access them, but I'm the top brass can.

So just how safe are we, what information has been collated about us all, some members mightn't give a toss, but one day in the future it could be your downfall.

Anybody got any answers that might put me at ease.

everyphone has an imei number that can be traced. so even if you are using a different sim card it can be still linked back to your other sim, meaning you can be traced. this is unlikely to happen unless you did something very very bad. i dont know why im telling you this. your message sounds paranoid enough as it is. still more chance of your wife walking in and catching you with your trousers round your ankles while having some naughty chat here than the garda catching you out. why would they bother?