i think everyone needs that special relationship in life, i look at old uncles that never met anyone, it is and was a sad and lonely life they lived and they would say that themselves.
i believe what ya said there is someone for everyone but dont be too picky - the grass will always be greener.
in MY opinion u need to stay away from escorts cause their feeding some of ur relationship needs and if u had to go out looking for these u would have better chance of meeting that someone (b4 i get slated this is my opinion!).

Quote Originally Posted by Experienced Punter esq View Post
Ever get those days when u feel thats your lot in life u ain't gonna find that special someone to love & share the rest of your life with?, of course the only way to find love again is to let go of the past & embrace the future and all that I've done that sure I've had my chances but in my early 40's now I have come to the realization it ain't gonna happen I'd have made a good husband good daddy and all twas all a fantasy Somebody out there will make u feel happy content & loved? theres someone out there for everyone? no it aint gonna happen I've closed the door on Love ..
(violins playing)