Quote Originally Posted by willyup View Post
I'm in my mid-forties, divorced 8 years ago, the wife walked out with our son and shacked up with the guy who used to live across the road!! Fcuker.

Anyway I had the same thoughts about not finding someone as you and had a years dry spell. I was miserable and despaired that I may never find anyone.
Then one day I had a eureka moment and just thought fcuk it, I'm letting these thoughts rule my life, just get out and enjoy yourself. What helped me was that I went out and tried something new every month be it mountain biking, archery or asking an escort for something new ;-)....
This all helped to alter my mindset and things have just got better and better since. There has been low points of course but everybody has them. The good far outweigh the bad.
It was when I stopped looking for a girlfriend that I actually found one!!

The last 7 years or so of my life since that eureka moment have been fantastic and full of adventure. I live it to the full to the best of my abilities.
It might not seem like it at the moment but everyone has moments like these, it will pass and that special woman in your life will appear before you one day when youre not looking.

Chin up and remember it's good to talk!!
Man that is the worst,the prick lived across the road from ya and he banging your old lady behind your back!
I would killed that prick stone dead!