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Thread: Good Escorts

  1. #61
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool High Hopes!!

    I really think it just comes down to standards and mine are exceptionally high ................. by the way I never said "not hitting it off" is a good explanation for a bad service, I have always said it is the ladies responsbility to make things go well as it is her who is getting paid to please me .............. if she fails then financial compensation is in order but of course that never happens in this business!!


  2. #62
    Join Date
    Oct 2006


    In 4 years of working as an escort I have encountered only a handful of guys I just didn't have a good time with. Luckily thats's all it's been, a handful. As Honey mentioned above, these guys don't get the best from us. One lady refers to a certain category of client as 'starfish'
    Perhaps Bigjaws falls into that category for many sounds to me like he's not naturally adept at bringing out the best in people, and consequently, missing out on what the more sexually confident guys are getting.
    Heather x
    Last edited by UKHeather; 01-10-07 at 08:26.

  3. #63


    Why not keep this thread for GOOD ESCORTS only? The thread will be completely useless if it contains page after page of petty squabbles.

  4. #64
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool heather

    Well I have been in this business a lot longer than you heather so .............. anyway, I believe certain escorts would disagree with your opinion of me ie. English Rebecca (great escort, haven't reviewed her yet), Sexy Naomi, Alexis, Georgina, Sara, Romy, Lilly, Top Christine, Eve, Sandy, Charlotte, Isabel, Abbey, Denise, Corinna and Victoria to name just a of the few the High Class escorts that I have seen ............. my standards are high yet they managed to exceed my expectations were you failed them. I also have high expectations from Honey, who I will be seeing when she comes back here, but I am very confident (as I'm sure she is!) that I won't be disappointed in her service as she comes across as a true lady ............... with a bucket-load of sex appeal!!
    What's my point?? Well it's simply this ........... you heather failed at your job concerning me and blaming me for your failure just doesn't wash when I have had some fantastic times with other ladies here which are way out of your league. It just doesn't seem fair to me that you should be getting paid the same money as these fantastic young ladies ...............


  5. #65


    Dear Paws,
    You started this thread. It was a good idea. It will be useless if it is not kept focussed.

  6. #66
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Thumbs up True!!

    What can I say ............... you are 100% correct diver!!


  7. #67
    Join Date
    May 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by bigpaws View Post
    I also have high expectations from Honey, who I will be seeing when she comes back here, but I am very confident (as I'm sure she is!) that I won't be disappointed in her service as she comes across as a true lady ............... with a bucket-load of sex appeal!!
    Is it just me or does this sound like an interview or something?

    Expectations, high standards, managed to exceed my expectations, failed at your job Man, for me its about fun, enjoying myself and hopefully the girl in question does too. I dont bring a checklist with me, maybe thats what we are all doing wrong

    Honey, are you preparing for this interview? Have you covered all the bases? Very high profile position y'know

    Alright Paws, i can see where you're coming from. Its just i have a completely different attitude towards this. Each to their own i suppose.
    Have you written your reviews?

  8. #68
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool Position Vacant!!

    You can have whatever attitude you want mailman but you shouldn't forget that for the escort it is a job ................. that's why you're paying money ........... get it??
    And I know I'll get lots of punters and escorts saying "no no no it's not only a job, it's a connection between two people and it can be so ........ blah blah blah" ............. but will I get any punters come here and say truthfully that the escort "enjoyed herself so much with me that she gave me back my money!"??
    I think not ................ so it is a business transaction with an agreed price for an agreed set of services and if you leave the escort a tenner short she'll let you know about it in a hurry but if you as the punter feel you didn't get your full money's worth then ........... then ............ tough titty as the saying goes!!
    Honey I'm sure is a great escort who will provide an excellent service and seems supremely confident in her abilities ............... just don't forget to pay her!! ;-)
    In essence it is a job interview ............. ie. I do see an escort, she's great, I review her prompting others to go see her creating more good reviews increasing business for her and hey presto!! She's working over-time, money rollin' in!!! She's got the job ..............


  9. #69

    Default test

    Paws , you make it sound like its a priviledge for an escort to see you. Sounds to me like its a test in endurance for her.

  10. #70
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Cool Care In The Community Me Arse!!

    Ah fuck off fun you dozy cunt ............ you can barely string a sentence together!!


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