Quote Originally Posted by JAMESCORK View Post
I have just logged on and this shite again. I sick of it.

Anyone here that knows me will know that I always stand for fair play. I have stood up for doozie and Sam the last time DeEegit was banned because I felt he did deserve it and Debest would expect no more from me. But this time it's gone too far. Sam we have spoken in the past and you know my character. I was opposed to Donna perm ban but bit my lip when that was changed to a two week ban. I still objected to that but felt there was enough dissent shown and didn't want to rub it in. But now I am going to stand my ground and am asking Sam to reverse this ban or at least post here that he will recommend it be reversed.

If not I will continue to call all mods wankers until I am banned myself.

James at the moment he is banned and it will probably be tomorrow before a decesion is made regarding reducing or leaving his ban stay.