One morning recently I received a text from an escort telling me that I had paid €160 instead of €200 for the previous night.

Aside from the fact that I am a conscientious and honest person (seriously!), I am certain that I paid the correct amount. I had just been to the cashpoint and withdrawn €300 which came out in 3x€50, 1x€10 and the rest in €20 notes. I noted this at the time because I was expecting six fifties.

I sent a reply text saying something along the lines of "My wallet now contains €100 from €300 withdrawn last night so I must have given you the correct money, I'm sorry but you have made a mistake. I gave you 3x€50, 2x€20 and 1x€10.".

Her next message said "You gave me 2x50, 2x20, 2x10".

By this time I'm doubting myself but the facts about the withdrawal and the remaining balance can't be disputed.

My final message to her said "I'd never do anything like that intentionally so I'll try to see you in the new year and clear things up".

I'm probably being naive but I'd like to know others' opinions on the likelihood that she's trying it on.

Thoughts please?

Should I disclose the escort's name?

I'm slightly annoyed that she texted me the following day, it's not exactly discreet!