Quote Originally Posted by nicegirlsarenice View Post
Personally, I don't believe in AIDS or HIV. If HIV does exist, the chances are that it's one of the many harmless viruses there are in humans. If HIV caused damage, then it would happen immediately or soon after, it doesn't make sense that it would just wait for years and nothing happen and then you get AIDS, that's not how viruses work. They can't even detect AIDS directly, they go on other blood phenomena. AIDS was built up to make money for the pharmaceutical industries.

Peter Duesberg, one of the most prominent scientists in the world, tried to point this out, and was destroyed by the medical industry. It always makes me sad to see scientists having their funding cut and lives ruined because they disagree with the big, influenial, money-driven pharmaceutical companies.


Nothing about the AIDS virus makes sense. Lots of diseases that used to be called different things previously are now all called AIDS. They don't even have proper tests or any tests at all in some African countries where they label people as having HIV. The AIDS you see in western countries is completely different to that you see in other countries. It's seen among drugs users, it's immune collapse because of long-term severe drug usage and damage.

Anyone in the scientific community or media who denies or speaks out against AIDS is practically castrated and will probably lose everything immediately.

Escorts should practice safe sex all the time because of the many very serious STDs and illnesses they could get, but not AIDS.
I would like an opinion from Dr Love, as opposed to Dr Nice. Opinion please. Profesional consult.