Quote Originally Posted by brunette_kitty View Post
It's very obviously that the girl cropped her face from a picture and she attached it to this professional one,wich is photoshoped.
U can see the colour differences between the facial skin and the rest of the body skin. The face is kinda pinkish and the rest is tanned,light orange.
U can see the best at her neck. It's just big difference of colour.
This is my opinion
What's yours?
although it looks VERY fake it may not be, i would guess that the photographer just didn't know what they were doing and the escorts face just looks over exposed as they didn't know what they were doing with the flash.

if the photo is a fake then it's a huge pitty that a program as powerful as Photoshop is being used for such a task and so poorly, have a look at the vide below to see what you can really do.