Quote Originally Posted by Mr Magoo View Post
I'm still confused by the overuse of the word 'attack' being used by the ladies here. Nobody was 'attacked', they're thread was simply disputed, that's not 'attacking', that's arguing.
Wrong again.

Re-read your earlier posts.

Now check the dictionary definition of attack, and select the appropriate one:

–verb (used with object)
1. to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.
2. to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against: to attack the enemy.
3. to blame or abuse violently or bitterly.
4. to direct unfavorable criticism against; criticize severely; argue with strongly: He attacked his opponent's statement.
5. to try to destroy, esp. with verbal abuse: to attack the mayor's reputation.

So yes, Jessie was 'attacked'