i was perusing the reviews and escorts in Dublin, planning ahead for the weekend and noticed that one of the girls I had shortlisted (Viktorya) has a Fake Photo Report (here). I had seen Viktorya's photos before and thought that they were maybe a bit too good to be true but she has 17 positive reviews, 1 N/A and 1 negative. She also has been reviewed by 7 trusted reviewers all stating that photos are accurate etc. Finally I also looked at the link provided by the Fake Photo Reviewer and noticed that the photos are nothing like Viktorya's photos.

My question is this, should the person that made the fake photo report be banned as they are obviously posting something directed to harm an escorts reputation? Also, should people who do the opposite such as say the escort looks just like her photos when they are obviously Porn Stars etc. get banned too?

I am aware that most of the accounts that do things like this are only ever activated to create trouble and used once or twice but it's just a thought. Finally I think that they should have all their posts/reviews deleted are they are lies!!

I reported the above to the mods yesterday so just wanted to put this out to the public before it was all deleted.