Quote Originally Posted by Westsidex View Post
Funny you mention it because a guy i know is in hospital right now because of drink driving. Himself and the driver were both drunk and i hear he is all the victim and hoping to get compo.
That's exactly the sort of thing I mean. Remember when you were a kid they'd always be that nasty little bully who wouldn't shoplift himself, but he'd make other people go steal things for him, or something along those lines? I see that with drink driving today. There are people who won't drink drive themselves, as they don't want to risk their licence etc, but will practically bully their mates into doing it just to get a free lift for themselves. Then when there is an accident, they think they are a victim? It pisses me off.

I've a friend whose son had a drink drive accident when he was about 18 with three of his mates. Very luckily for them, nobody was seriously hurt, but the car was written off, and then the three friends sued the driver for various injuries etc. There was four of them got in that car and it was the driver's mates encouraging him to take them for a spin when he didn't really even want to go out, but only one person paid a price, though luckily it was only financial.