Quote Originally Posted by Alec Horan View Post
Just to let you know that the 90m euro is mostly spent on too many Irish civil servants processing their applications in the most inefficient manner possible.

90m euro is less than is spent on a pack of cigarettes every week by the citizens of Ireland. Is a refugee worth less than a pack of B&H ?
Quote Originally Posted by Alec Horan View Post
this is the sort of crap that the irish fleeing the famine had to put up with when the arrived in the usa.

irish go home - free loaders - good for nothings- cant speak english- dont want to work - only good for drinking etc.

well done lads.
Please learn to debate wHoran

Thats an argument for reduction in tobacco consumption not for wasting money on “asylum”

Thats a lazy analogy 19th century movement of Irish to the new world is a completely different phenomenon to 21 st century movement of economic migrants abusing the asylum system to gain entry to a first world country.
The Irish where economic migrants and accepted as such and needed and wanted for the
conquering the west. Of course there was anti-Irish racism
I doubt you are Irish anyway judging by your posts
Are you suggesting that because 19th century migrants to the new world faced racism
form those there that Irish people have no right to question the massive abuse by third world economic immigrants
Thats a facile argument

It is not the civil servants fault its the parasite lawyers and the professional immigration industry as well as the pathological and organized dishonesty of these econmic illegal immigrants that is drawing out the process here a high profile example
The curious case of Pamela Izevbekhai

10 years after the flood started and 2 years after we have been hit by greatest
economic hit since the first depression
The cumulative cost is the billions for “asylum”
We still have 8000 on the books an incredible number
Tat returns are 34 billion lat year approx
cots of asylum is 90 million
90 million is only the base line cost of the system. There are others costs as well.
and in 2009 Ireland was technically in a depression
beggars belief that your leaders have not sorted this system once and for all. They are mostly l economic immigrants so say the last two justice ministers
Applications for asylum in Republic fall by one-third - The Irish Times - Sat, Jan 09, 2010
RT News: McDowell blasts 'bogus' asylum-seeking
Asylum applications fall markedly - The Irish Times - Fri, Jan 08, 2010
Recession blamed for fall in asylum seeker applications | Irish Examiner

"Asylum" is a massive fraud which has massive negative economic and social cost for the Irish people it should be reformed and stopped once and for all.
The various "socialist" groups and the professional immigration industry needs to be exposed for what they
Anti-Irish racists
Your type are in a small minority and if the truth has known I doubt you would actually think like you do.
Poll shows hardening of attitude towards immigrants - The Irish Times - Tue, Nov 24, 2009