
These days some Irish men are hopping on planes to places like Prague, Budapest, Riga etc in order to spend time a whole weekend with a local escort. One of the main attractions of this being that escort prices are lower in these other countries.

I am looking for feedback from any guys that have done something like this.

It seems like something some men could really enjoy doing, but there also seems to be a lot of scammers working this industry, e.g. Agencies that have photos of lots of beautiful ladies but want the fee up front, then, when you arrive at your destination, your beautiful escort is nowhere to be seen!

We are getting more escort and client advice articles written for this site currently, and I would appreciate any feedback anyone could offer us on this subject.

I've seen several scams along these lines where the guy pays the money before he leaves and then there is no escort when he arrives, but I've not heard many success stories so far. Especially if you have a success story, your feedback would be much appreciated and help us provide a better article on this subject for our readers.

