Guys.........I am forced to go down this route as some escorts have simply decided to 'take the piss' of punters -------- in the literal sense. Regulars here will know that to-date, I have posted more than 70 escort reviews, yet, escorts can choose to get out of the review system retrospectively AND whenever they want.

This lethal weapon they use as a 'trump card' to undo all the hard work of us reviewers at their own sweet discretion, making all those (mostly)genuine reviews vanish mercilessly forever whenever it stops suiting them to face the truth.

Goes without saying that they wud usually do so when the negative reviews are outnumbering the positive ones..............

In tune with the cricket season, I was pleased to have at last scored the half century of reviews (a marathon task, even if some of my reviews maybe a total disgrace).

But was equally dissappointed to see my score coming down to 49 the very next day. After scanning with a microscope (literally), I discovered to my utmost surprise and dissappointment that, the latest escort to deal this severe blow to my dauntless endeavours to reach a 'century' of reviews was none else than BIANCA..........why ? why why why why why ? I kept wondering..........all her reviews were reasonably good..........I mean, there seemed to be no apparent reason for her to not continue enjoying the adulation after all.............

But there was 'method to this madness' and now I know why............

Some new escort is piggybacking on Bianca's listing.........someone who is nearly 40++.........or even 45 or 48-ish..........a totally revamped old model, straight out of a body shop...........fully dented-and painted like a japanese import Mazda MX which you see those young upstarts zipping past you on Saturday nites......)

her pussy tasted sweet (because of the chemical used in producing KY lubricating lotion) which she had used liberally.........I mean, I wield such a small tool, it's like getting an artillery to kill an ant, using that gel stuff...........

anyway, now detective ZO was no longer interested in the punt (I finished in 5 minutes flat) as much as spotting the discrepancies..........

She is a very good imitation of the real Bianca (if the pictures on the profile are verified ) but if you look at the tits carefully..........the difference becomes obvious, especially the areolae (dark area around the nipples)

She is a few shades slimmer than the pictured woman, has a few nasty gashes around the tummy (tell-tale signs of an appendicitis surgery or nip-n-tuck) and many more trivial things........... I dont mind fucking women of her age, in fact, I have gone out with 65 year olds and enjoyed every bit, but there is a certain mood when you want to go with a mature...........not when you are expecting a 29 years old !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She has her hair dyed blonde which doesn't go with her complexion at all, and even though, despite her age and nice deportment, if there is one thing I will hold against her, its the dishonesty..........

In short, the escort presently posing to be Bianca, should get enlisted as 'herself' for €120 or so........she would be still quite desirable as that.........