Right, gotta' be discreet here as I have no evidence of this but just thought I'd share as I've had one of the more horrific weeks I can remember & I lay the blame squarely at an escort's door !
I visited a Latino lady in the D.7 area on Easter Sat. Nothing remarkable about her, nice service, friendly girl etc. but the 1 thing I kept asking here about was that her stomach was continually rumbling. When I say rumbling I don't mean a bit of gurgling but full-on, constant somersaults, loud, distracting & when I suggested that she consider eating she said she just had. This was distracting only because I'd never witnessed such agressive rumblings before.
To cut a long story short I began to feel a bit under the weather on Mon. Dicky stomach & (excuse the graphic nature of this) 4 poos on Tue. I was away in the west on business Wed. - Fri. then.
Leapt out of the scratcher on Wed. morning at home with stomach cramps & have a right dodgy, liquid evacuation. A bit of brekkie, into the jammer & off to the west. At this stage I began to really notice the constant violent rumblings in my belly. By the time I got to where I was going I was pale, ill, cold & only wanted a bed. Waited until I could check into my hotel & went to bed at 3pm Wed. (cancelling all my business appointments) & didn't emerge for nearly 48hrs. This just got worse & worse. I calculated no fewer than 20+ visits to the can on Thur. Pissing rusty water out my arse constantly.
I didn't eat anything for 3 days, I lost 1 full stone in weight, I couldn't move, I puked a few times too, Arret & Motilium didn't touch this thing, had to stop myself from getting dehydrated so drank water ... just to count to about 20 before it was at the trap door. Finally the doctor prescribed some heavy duty stuff Fri. evening that would substitute for the dams in Holland & my poor ring got a rest.
I honestly can't remember feeling this bad before. But it was the 3 constant days of violent belly rumbling that make me 100% sure that I got this from my punt on Sat. Just too co-incidental & can't understand why she'd be working with something this agressive ?? I know that she wasn't in the horrors like me when I saw here, so maybe she was at the very early stages of the same thing & didn't know.
Anyway Nads is feeling normal for the 1st time in a week & hoping he never experiences such a week again.