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Thread: I think that burqas should be allowed, but on one condition.....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Mademoiselle Avenante View Post
    Deep down in my gutts, I am totally opposed to burqas and other religious paraphnelia. Being born in Brussels in the 70's I have never known anything else but immigration and living with different cultures. 99% of the time everything was fine (Spanish, Italians, Japaneses, Thais, Coreans, Greeks, Portugueses, Congoleses, etc) but the whole 'cover your women' shit disturbed and scared me from an early age. Especially once I turned 12/13 and girls from my class would start wearing that smelliy thing befor being sent to Marocco to marry a cousin. Also, from that age, boys on the steet started saying things like 'suck me dry Christian bitch' or 'you're a bitch, gett off the street, the street's mine'. From the time I am 13 I have learned, on the Continent, to wear dark, shapeless clothes and stare at my feet. Fanatics roam the metro stations to purify heretic women - non muslim women. 5 years ago, I was already living in Ireland. I phoned a friend who had been out of touch for a while. She merely said that on a Thursday evening, after work, at rush hour, when the station was packed, she was running dow the corridor to catch her metro. She was cornered by a goup of fanatics. They told he she had two choices: rape or permanent smile. She still has the insulting scares of the smile on her face. And none of the passers-by stopped to help her or called the police.

    Two years ago, around Christmas, I had coffee in a nice old inn of the Grand Place with a frind of mine. There was a Christmas market and the square was packed. We were supposed to take the same bus together. A group or young religious fanatics - they were aged 12, 13 - barged in and we were separated. They cornered my friend and myself separately. I was so angry that I pulled, bit, scratched and destroyed everything I could. I ran back to where I guessed my friend was. They had lifted her skits, two were fingering her and a third was tring to get inside saying 'That's what you want Gaul' (Gaul is a racist term (slang) to describe white Christian people). I was so much out of my head with anger that I dragged my friend back to a safer place and scratched, bit and kicked all the little fuckers I could lay my hand on.

    So now, living in Irland where people are nice and more respectful I do not have the reflexe of keeping my gaze on my feet anymore. I can walk srtaight, I can look at people in the face. In Ireland I enjoy the freedom of dressing like a woman, wearing make up and high heels, looking good for myself and my friends and looking at men in their eyes.

    Ok, rant over, you can go back to a normal life now

    M.A. xxx

    That said, if burquas were initially designed for men, what kind of initial reactions would would we betacklig with?

    Waow! Deep thoughts! Now! Easter really is coming and I wish you all a chocolate orgy. Spoil youserlf/the wife/the woman who loves you/the kids/the family that love you/etc. This is the weekend to share chocolate bunnies, enjoy family time and love as it comes. Even an expact loner like should get it out of it. Something like a duck roasting in the over with chicory.
    Sorry to hear of all the misfortune that has befallen you and your friends but you have saiud it yourself, it was fanataics rather than normal genuine Muslims. The Burqa itself isnt a muslim invention but rather of Arabic descent and was actually championed by Christian leaders such as Tertuliian, who also gave us the celebration of Easter and baptisim, anyway I digress. I have no strong feelings towards or against that particular style of clothing I am against the compulsion to force women to where it. Perhaps because I or we come form a different culture clouds or judgment on this issue. Personally a ban would only lead to greater hostilities with our Islamic bretheren and be seen as forcing our Western ideals on an Eastern situation, look at what happened in France when they banned it, there were riots in the streets. Personally if the women were not forced to wear it but could of there own free will the problem could be solved
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by whiteknight111 View Post
    Bonjour Madame

    Sorry to hear about your experineces, I have some questions.

    How widesperead is sexual violence by the muslim youth population against western women in Brussels/Belgium?
    Are they also engaged in pimping of western women?
    What is the respone of Media?
    What is the respone of Police?
    What is the respone of Older muslim population?
    What is the respone of Belgium General popualtion?
    What is the respone of Belgium Chirtsian male youth?
    What is the demographic of belgium/brussels?
    What are the current demographic trends?
    Do you think the importation of huge number of muslims into belgium a good thing for the European people?
    What do you fear for future of Belgium?

    I see there are banning the burka there now see link
    Belgium Moves to Ban Burqas Worn in Public -
    Are you mad? You really expect her to answer all of those? They're not even easy questions with yes/no, even asking one of those questions is asking something of her.

    I have a feeling whiteknight is very young, maybe 18, 19 or 20.

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