Quote Originally Posted by Lincoln View Post
I took the plunge and tried a TS Escort and...uuummmm....aaahhhh.....its not really my cup of tea I have to admit.

It must be said I don't really know what I was expecting but I just started feeling a bit "out of place" as soon as I got into the apartment. He/She was perfectly polite but I gotta be honest even it was an actual girl I still would'nt have found them attractive.....I had to lie back shut my eyes and think of Ireland (and that was just for hand relief.....also now that I think of it my partner appeared to be completely un-turned on!!!)

Lotta TS's out there so theres gotta be a big market but that box (ahem!!) has now been ticked for me anyways (on the list of never-to-be-repeated's.....)

ah well..onwards.
You should never have let T bag talk you into it Burrow's
