Jenny - you could be raided no bother.

You operate from hotels and the door could be kicked in at any moment. You assume all those brothels raided were seedy holes, we don't know anything about them and there could be lots of independents using them for work just like you use hotels.

Even if the Garda were waiting in the hotel corridor or lobby outside your room they could get clients there, watch them come and go and seize your phone or plug it in to a device to record all info and hand it back to you. Plus if you ever calls the police for any reason your phone may be needed to provide evidence and then bingo, they get all your clients.

We don't know if you were visited during that operation but you were almost definitely texted, which means they are aware of you. Even contacting you is a crime for punters.

You and other independents sometimes do duo work/collaborations = that could mean you both in a room or apartment at the same time which under the legislation would equate to a brothel and boom, there goes your phones, laptops and cash.