Quote Originally Posted by IAmLIAm View Post
There is a decent logical argument to be made that 2 independent escorts sharing a two bedroom flat is no different than 2 independent hair dressers sharing a salon or 2 independent massage therapists sharing a spa (in each case each person having their own separate work stations). Probably not a legal argument anyone wants to try but one that should be presented if ever in that situation. As long as the ladies are being compensated for "time and companionship" then there is no problem. The moment any portion of the payment is compensation for a sex act the punter has broken the law. Basically admit to nothing...ever.

The laws as they stand are basically just a way to ensure ladies can pay taxes on what would otherwise be untaxed dark money. "Look how progressive we are, we recognize sex work as an actual profession. Except we won't properly regulate it and you can't establish a real business around it..... Oh, and nobody can legally pay you for service rendered. Off you go, the world is your oyster."
Problem is the readers of the Court Reporter for the Phoenix magazine wont be impressed by that finer argument .

The ladies like the money upfront which obviously doesn't help either, although perfectly understandable.