Quote Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post
How does one get their hands on Viagra these days, if one wanted to circumvent the traditional GP route?
I really recommend you not get it at all, you have no idea how much the side effects of these drugs are suppressed. When you see the "warning" listings on the packet you get the impression they're looking out for you, THEY'RE NOT LOOKING OUT FOR YOU, they're looking out for their bank balance.

But if you must or if you ever find yourself in a position where you're going to do it: buy it online, you'll save a fortune.

Don't be put off by the scare-tactics they use, they do that as part of their media propaganda campaign to get you to go to your GP more and so the pharmacists etc. all get royalties.

Your GP is not someone who is there to care for you or look out for you, to them you are just a number. The way they pinch money off old people is scandalous, asking them to come back for more visits again and again, terrorising them into thinking they're living dangerously if they didn't. I've seen it with my own eyes. The wise thing is to NEVER EVER go to your GP.